Chapter 19 - Malfoy Manor, The Dining Hall

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You could hear your parents getting ready for dinner in the bathroom. A cloud of your mother's lavender perfume drifted out into the rest of the suite, and you wrinkled your nose in distaste. You were waiting, sat on the end of your bed dressed in your dinner clothes. Your mother had insisted on a deep green dress you hadn't even touched since fifth year. The neckline didn't lay right.

In a breeze of lavender, your mother exited the bathroom, brushing down the folds of her dress. She slipped into a pair of dainty shoes before going to stand by the wardrobe, taking in her full length reflection.

She turned to look at you through the reflection. "Darling, come stand next to me."

You slid off the bed, padding over to your mother. In the mirror, you looked like a matching set of fine jewels, both dressed in fine emeralds and dark lace. You thought you looked rather dark, standing next to her. Through the lace of her sleeve, you could just make out the Dark Mark tattooed on her wrist. 

Your mother nodded approvingly. 

In the background of your reflection, your father stepped out of the bathroom, also dressed in emerald green. He walked up behind you, taking your mother by the elbow.

"They'll be waiting downstairs." He said. He led your mother away from the mirror and out the door, you following a few steps behind. 

In the hallway, the Benoit family was also making their way downstairs. Jacques and Sofi Beniot were arm in arm, looking like royalty. Behind them, the twins were also dressed impressively, matching almost to the point that they were identical. Even their curls fell in almost the same way.

As your parents made conversation with Jacques and Sofi, you fell into step with the twins. Lyre looked stony and Leo kept adjusting his sleeves.

Something was off.

"What's wrong?" You asked. 

"I haven't seen Theo all day." Leo said. 

You tilted your head, confused. "That's... good?"

Lyre shook her head. "No one's seen him. Or his father."

"But they were at dinner last night." You said. "They're definitely here."

"That's why we're confused." Lyre said. 

You started down the stairs with the twins, following your parents into the lavish dining room. The long table was set with crystal dishes, and overhead, the chandelier glittered. The Parkinsons had already taken their seats at the table. Pansy looked up from her plate as you walked in. 

You smiled faintly. She returned the gesture, looking a little happier now. 

Taking your seat between your mother and Leo, you glanced at the door to the dining room. Surely, even if the Notts had disappeared during the day, they would show up for dinner. 

A shadow around the corner was the only warning you got before Bellatrix Lestrange breezed into the room, taking her seat at one of the ends of the table. She had arrived at the manor just before dinner last night. You had seen her pictures in the paper, and in your mother's old collections of photographs, but she looked rather different in person. There was something about her demeanor that made her all the more terrifying. 

"Where's the rest of the party?" She asked, plopping down into her seat. She grinned at the gathered table. "I'm starving."

"Surely they wont be much longer." Pansy's mother said. 

As if on cue, the Malfoys strode into the room, closely followed by the Notts. Draco caught your eye immediately, even without trying. Your stomach did a little backflip at the sight of him, a spark of feeling rushing through you. He glanced in your direction for a moment before taking his place at the table, one seat to the right of his father. 

It was Theo who caught your eye next. He sat across from you at the table, next to his father. Something about him was different tonight though. There was no confidence in the way he held himself, and there was a faint redness to his eyes, like he'd been trying not to cry.

Next to you, Leo stiffened in his seat. A glance to the side revealed that he had no doubt noticed the change in Theo as well. 

At the end of the table, Lucius Malfoy clapped his hands twice. Floating out of the kitchen came a variety of dishes, each one more lavish and rich than the next. They each stopped at a place on the table. In front of you, a steaming bowl of soup came to rest. 

"Bon appetit, my friends." Lucius toasted, gesturing widely to the large meal. "Please, feel free to-"

He was interrupted as Bellatrix swarmed forward, taking a few strips of well seasoned steak and dropping them onto her plate. "Everything looks simply divine Lucius." She said, reaching for the scalloped potatoes next. 

As other people around the table began to serve themselves, you grabbed a little of this and that until your plate was full. Chatter began, mostly the adults talking about whatever dark wizards talked about. You had better things to worry about.

You nudged Leo in the side.

He glanced over to you. "What?"

"Somethings off about Theo, right?" You said softly.

Leo glanced across the table again before nodding. "He looks upset."

"He's never upset." You said, giving him another once over. He was eating normally enough, just shoving food into his mouth, but his eyes were still puffy and red, and his hands were shaking a little.

"Something happened today." Leo said, a grim certainty in his voice.

"What makes you say that?" You asked. 

"He and his father were gone all day, and then when they get back, he's all shaken up." Leo said. "Something happened."

It didn't take you long to find out.

"And how was your little outing today Theodore?" The twins father asked, sipping at his glass.

Theo's father cracked a grin. "Got him all marked up, yeah?" He said, reaching for his sons arm. He pulled back Theo's sleeve and there on his skin, was a Dark Mark.

In the corner of your eye, you saw Leo go pale. 

"One of us now." Theo's father continued proudly. 

Theo hurriedly pulled his sleeve back down, going back to his dinner. 

You glanced down the table at Draco. He was looking at his own forearm, where his mark was. A bite of food was left on his fork untouched. 

"He's a proper young man now." Lucius said. "You should be proud to call him your own."

Theo's father grinned. "'Course I am. He's following in his old man's footsteps rather nicely-" He was interrupted when the door to the dining room opened, and one of the Malfoy house staff stepped in.  He looked almost as shaken as Theo did, and scurried over to Lucius immediatley.

He was just leaning down to say something when Bellatrix stopped him. 

"Well?" She snapped. "What is it?"

The servant looked at Lucius, who nodded, before speaking. "Scabior just apparated to the gates."

You traded glances with Leo. 

"Tell him he'll have to come back tomorrow morning-" Lucius began.

"But, sir." The servant interrupted, and as if the night couldn't get any worse, he kept speaking. 

"He says he's got Potter."

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