Chapter 20 - Malfoy Manor

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You and the other kids were herded upstairs as dinner was forgotten and your parents hurried out into the sitting room, where Scabior was waiting. Your heart was thudding rapidly in your chest. They had Potter, or at least they thought they did.

This could be it. It could be over, tonight.

As you came to a stop at the top of the stairs, Theo was the first to speak. "Is there anywhere I could see whats going on down there from up here?"

Draco shot a look at Theo. "No." He snapped. "Although if you want to fall off the balcony and break your neck, feel free to try."

You glanced at him nervously. It felt like ages since you and Draco had sat together in the library, but it had only been last night. The stress of the past few minutes made the time difference seem longer. Would he be upset if you tried to get him to calm down now?

Theo sneered. "Shouldn't you be itching to see what's going on as well? After all, you're one of us too and you've hated Potter long enough. If I were you, I wouldn't mind seeing him die-"

"Theo, stop." Leo snapped.

Your gaze moved over to Leo, surprised. He was fuming - you could see it in the tension in his jaw and the way the muscles in his shoulders were tight underneath his dinner outfit. Lyre reached over, resting a hand on his forearm.

"Got something to say about it, fag?" Theo snarled. "Aren't you supposed to be on our side?"

Pansy gripped your arm. She looked a little peaky, and you knew she hadn't eaten much at dinner. You moved one hand to rest on top of hers, a silent reassurance.

"For someone who obviously was upset about getting their Mark, you seem pretty alright with it now." Leo said.

"What are you on about?" Theo said. "Dad said I should be honored to have this Mark-"

"Then why were you crying?" Leo interrupted sharply. "We all saw your red eyes at dinner, you were crying-"

Theo exhaled sharply through his teeth before lunging forward, grabbing Leo by the collar and shoving him into one of the walls, causing the paintings to rattle. In the same moment, Lyre reached into the top of her dress and drew her wand, pointing it at Theo.

Theo's eyes flicked between Lyre and Leo, contemplating. His gaze finally settled on Draco.

"You're just going to let this happen?" He hissed.

Draco met his gaze coldly. "I dont know what you're on about Nott."

"They obviously don't agree with the Dark Lord's ways." Theo continued. "Why else would they be accusing me of being against him too-"

"You're delusional." Draco said. "No one said anything about not agreeing with the Dark Lord-"

"Then why don't you have your wand pointed at her?" Theo said, pointedly glaring at Lyre. "You're supposed to be on my side. We're together now. Unless, you're like them, and you don't really want to carry this honor."

Draco faltered then, his hand twitching towards his forearm for a moment.

Lyre took his silence as a place to step in. "Nott," She hissed, low, cold and dangerous. "If you don't let go of my brother right now, trust me, I will not hesitate to use Crucio on you." She paused, looking Theo in the eye. "And believe me, I've gotten good."

Theo glanced once more between Lyre and Draco before dropping Leo's collar. He pushed Leo into the wall once more for good measure before stalking away, headed towards the room he and his father were staying in.

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