Chapter 31 - Hogwarts

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You found the rest of your friends in the courtyard beyond where you had left them. They were tucked behind a pile of fallen stones, out of sight from anyone else in the area. If you and Draco hadn't come out of the eastern facing archway, you never would have seen them. 

The courtyard was a mess, and from what you had seen in the trek down from the seventh floor, so was the castle. Cracks ran up and down the stone walls, no doubt from where loose spells had hit. Windows were broken, and paintings were ripped. Tapestries had been thrown to the floor and trampled over. It was the kind of mindless destruction you had come to expect from Death Eaters. 

You were more concerned about the people in the castle, however. Namely, your friends. 

You rushed over, clambering over stone and rubble to get to them. Pansy stood up when she saw you, meeting you halfway and crushing you in a hug, burying her face in your shoulder. Her hair was a tangled mess, the worst you had ever seen it, and somehow, she still looked beautiful.

"You're alright." She said. 

You hugged her fiercely. "So are you." 

Pansy pulled back, turning to Draco to jump on him as well, wrapping her arms around his shoulders. You slid down the pile of rubble until you were with the rest of your friends. Theo was the most bruised and bloodied out of everyone - a gash across his forehead kept dripping down into his eyebrows. Leo sat next to him, leaning against Theo's shoulder. Blaise was sprawled out on the ground, not hurt but exhausted, his head in Lyre's lap. Lyre's hand was entwined with his as she leaned against a fallen stone. 

"Everyone's okay." You exhaled. 

Leo's eyes flicked upwards to meet yours. "Thought you were dead for a minute." He said. "Where'd you and Draco get off to?"

"Chasing a spider." You said, sitting down beside him. Draco dropped to the ground next to you, leaning against the side of the castle. 

A silence passed around the circle. You closed your eyes, savoring the moment. You might have been bruised and beaten and tired beyond belief, but it was okay, because everyone was alive. 

"We're alive." You said. 

"It's not over yet." Theo grimly noted. "We've probably only got about half an hour before it all kicks off again."

"We should leave now, while we can." Lyre said. 

No one moved a muscle. 

"Maybe if we stay here, no one will notice us." Pansy said. 

Blaise snorted. "Yeah, sure. Hide and seek."

It wasn't funny, but you laughed anyway.

You closed your eyes, leaning up against the wall. Instantly, the exhaustion washed over you. You couldn't sleep now though.

Draco laced your fingers together. 

You squeezed his hand, feeling the weight of it in your hand. You could still feel the callouses from where he would grip the broom in Quidditch, even though he hadn't played in months.  Some things never changed. 

"You can take a nap, you know." Draco said softly. "I'll wake you up if anything happens."

"That's alright-"

"Y/N. You're half asleep already." Draco insisted. 

You hummed. "I love you." 

As soon as you let yourself go, sleep washed over you like an ocean wave.

It was the first time you had slept without dreaming in months. 

You woke to a hand on your shoulder, gently brushing a few pieces of hair away from your face. Your eyes flickered open to see Draco's face. 

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