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Okay so I hope you all know what school is. And if you don't then God bless your soul because you, my dear friend, have a lot to learn to hate.

Yeah, I know. School is so that you can reach your goals in life, and become what you have wanted to be since you were five and all that jam. And it's where you meet your mates and boyfriends/girlfriends and things but that's it's only positives.

Right, so have you all witnessed a school fight? We all have, aye? It's hard not to see one. (I've been to seven schools so I've seen a lot.) Even if you don't witness the fight, you hear about it. It spreads like wild fire and someone most likely has it videoed on their phone.

School fights are pretty brutal. Like a lot of people probably think they're not because we're just a bunch of kids, but they get on the heavy side most of the time.

And that's because the fights are a mix of people who know what they're doing because they know martial arts or boxing etc. and people who have no idea what they're doing so they fling around like a spaghetti man trying to get in a hit whenever and wherever they can. It's pretty funny sometimes.

It's even funnier what the fights are about. That guy probably accidentally hit another guy with some other guys stolen basketball. Or that girl probably talked shit about your best friends little sister so it's now some other girls fault for letting it slip.

And the worst thing is that the whole school will make it a thousand times obvious for the on duty teachers. Like when there's two hundred people surrounding two people you can't just use the excuse 'Oh we're just playing some friendly tag, miss' like yeah, nice save.

And then the whole drama of who started it and who said what and who through the first punch. Like if you want to start a fight with this person, take it somewhere else for the love of God.

And then when the two person fight turns into a ten person fight because this person was a jump in for this person so this person had to jump in for the other person. I think we're all old enough to not have school fights, right?

Like I know fights aren't really mature, but to be on the mature side of fights, you SHOULD organise it else where. But the reality is that you won't. Which in my opinion doesn't bother me, because who really doesn't like a good punch up every once and a while?

Schools literally are filled with so much drama. I guess it's just because all these hormones have been shoved into one area. So we're all like "I'm sick of your shit, Stacey." Because we're all so fucking impatient.

I'm moved schools a lot mainly because of my parents. (Holy shit, I typed parents and it corrected me to pregnancy. Oh no, not today satan. Not today.) because they're split and all that jam. I wont get into the details and bore you. But I was always hoping I'd go somewhere with less drama. And I never did. Because with every school, there is drama.

And it's for the most stupidest reasons you can think of. They always start small, don't they? And then we bring other things up, and we make it worse. Initially it's one persons fault, and then it's both because they brought this up about so and so. That's reality. In my world, I've always acted best, I'm always right and I always win ;)

Okay and the education. Like this is supposed to start you off on any job. From janitors to CEO's. But even in a science or math job am I really going to need to know x-rt+587-7+g(gx5)=? No, I'm not. Like really? That question is pretty much: If I toss eleven forks out the window, how many cats wear hats on Mondays? Same. Yeah. Sense, right there.

And even those questions like: If John eats twelve pieces of cake and then another four, how many pieces of cake has John eaten? I don't care about the answer. I need to talk to this John person. Like "John, son. If you keep eating these cakes, you're on a slippery slope to the diabetes train."

And: If Richard has six oranges in one hand and five in the other, how many oranges does Richard have? Is the answer to this 'stupidly easy supposedly math question' even in need of answering? Like "Richard, son. If you can hold eleven (answer ;)) oranges in your hands then you need to go to the doctor. Because hands those big can probably fit me and my mates arse's in them."

I think that my main lesson for this rant is that school thinks it is cool, when it is not.
Advice: Stay in school!
No other advice, just stay in school.

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