Chapter 1 : Books

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Walking in the class, I was slightly startled when I saw that the tables were arranged like in primary.

Four or five tables were stuck together in island like shapes. There were five of these islands scattered across the classroom, some students I didn't know were talking to each other, I just sat in a random seat, not to close to the front of the classroom but not to much at the back as-well.

Later, the others came, including the gang, Chocho and her red glasses friend and others I didn't know. I stood up as an adult with sunglasses entered the room with a small portmanto in his right hand. 

" Welcome to your senior year, students. " he greeted.

" My name is Shino but you will all call me Mr. Aburame... Are we clear ?"  He inquired.

" Yes Mr Aburame ! "  some of us replied. He seemed displeased with this but didn't push the matter any further.

He proceeded to explain how the year was going to work and for some strange reason that he and another teacher where gonna be the only ones teaching us.

Very strange for a fully fledged high school...

Good for me anyhow, I really didn't want to walk 10 hours changing classrooms and all that. He told us to sit and we did that but he didn't like how we all went in our own groups so like the annoying tosser he is...

He mixed us and of course since it wasn't my day...

I had the red glasses girl, Chocho, some kid with a strange smile and blue hair and a girl with dark violet hair.

" Well, thats a bit better. "

He has to be kidding...

" So to start, were going to go and get the books you will need for the different subjects. " he stated. Chocho raised her hand. 

" Yes, Misses... Akimichi ? "

" We already went to the library to get the work books, Mr Aburame. " She showed the books... 

" You took the wrong books, Chocho. Now anyone who has taken books before the period starts please show them to me. "

As expected all of Chocho's Group had the wrong books except the red glasses girl who only had one of the books a bit ripped and she had to bring it back to the library. 

Following the teacher, we headed towards the Library... The entire way there, I just... thought about... stuff. 

We arrived at the damn library and the teacher guided us to the different shelves of books needed to work with this year. The Blue haired kid came towards me and introduced himself.

" Hello, my names Mitsuki, what's yours ? " he asked.

" Boruto Uzumaki. " I said... 

" Thats a nice name. " he stated.

" I like your hair. " he said. Weird, I thought...

" It looks like the sun... " he continued.

Okay... This guy just said chained two compliments.

Definitely gay... Not that I'm against it or anything, each unto his own and all that but still...

" Yeah, sorry man but I still need to find my books, catch you later. " I finished 

" Alright, see you later, my sun. "

My what ?

Is this guy okay ??

Whatever, got one more book to get... the damn Maths, of course my worst subject... 

And of course I happen to stumble upon the girl with red glasses... She must have a problem with me because she kept glaring at me when I was heading for the not so safe looking library shelf.

She was there as well and guess what...

She was also getting the math book.

Going next to her, I waited for her to pick it out.

She literally just stood there looking at me like if she was frozen or something...

Naturally... thinking she has a problem I addressed her. 

" Do you need any help fi__ "

" No, thank you. " she cut me off... quite strongly.

I just looked and... went to pick the damn book. It was quite high and I had to use a flimsy ladder to get to it.

I got up and picked it out, going down I  noticed she was still looking  at me with an expressionless face. I removed  myself from the ladder and moved away...

She went up after me and... I noticed that one of the pads for the ladder was a bit loose... when she put her foot on it, it gave way and she fell down from the stupidly high ladder (about 7 meters). My instant reflex was to catch which I managed, thankfully. 

I noticed her blushing which I found amusing ' She wasn't that heartless then... '  I thought... we both heard the ladder buckle and it tipped towards us.

Her cries had already alerted some of the class including the retards I call friends and some of her friends including Chocho and others which were now arriving when the ladder was tipping and they shouted for us to move away.

Due a to a lack of time, I couldn't move fast enough and so I had to tank the blow. As it landed, I moved so my back was facing the ladder and I sort of tucked her in my arms.

Sparks of pain blew across my back and I felt blood... the ladder crashed on my back, the wood being old, it broke on impact so splinters found there way to my skin through the shirt I was wearing.

It hurt a lot and I saw stars for a quick moment while I was looking to see if this girl was alright.

I fell from the blow and pushed away before my body landed on hers.

I heard shouts from Chocho and Shikadai coming towards us...

Then the teacher approached us...

' Oh boy...' I thought ' This is gonna be trippy. '

And I gratefully seeped into unconsciousness with the last thing I saw being the staring eyes of the girl with red glasses.

Those beautifully deep eyes...


Hello peeps, sorry for not updating this book... I was concentrating on the Raven and the Sun...

Do please excuse me.

Thank you for being patient with me... you people are just too kind.

Take care

And Goodbye

Tiber (Mabujo)

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