Two Lovers Time

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Nico and Upa had been dating for a couple of weeks now. Aside from Upa aways being busy, Nico thought there relationship was going well. Upa was more honest and open to him. Nico started to see a side of him he had never seen before. He also was getting along with Upa's family members just well. Though Upa would go out and do mission a lot with his Uncle, leaving the poor green haired boy alone. And when Upa did get back from a mission. It was late and only a tiny bit bright in the sky. Winter had ended a couple of months ago, yet it still sparked at night. When Upa open the door to his room, he felt a familiar someone crash in to him. "Master, I'm so happy to see you again," the boy said still clinging to his master. "Get off me," Upa said like usual. Nico obeyed and let go of him. He then waited patiently for his master to settle down. "So uhh.....master. When can I go on mission with you?" Nico started to play with the collar of his jacket, knowing what his master was about to say. Upa sighed and lad back. "We've been over this Nico, the missions I go on are to dangerous and I don't want you getting involved." Nico knew his master was trying to protect him, but hated sitting around all day. "But it's so boring when your not around master," Nico whined.

It was late at night, but Nico couldn't seem to fall asleep. He went over to his masters bed and tried to shake him awake. "Go away," Upa said grumpily. Nico didn't give up though. He sat next to him and started to poke his face. Upa finally opened his eye's to see his disciple. Upa sighed and sat up. "If I let you lay with me will you let me sleep?" Nico nodded. Upa scooted over and motioned for Nico to come lay down. Upa tucked Nico in next to him and made sure he stayed asleep for the rest of the night.

The next morning, Nico played around with Upa's siblings when Upa's Uncle came by. "It's time to leave," he said. Upa got up and followed his uncle. Nico watched as they both left knowing it would be another boring day for him. "Why don't you just follow them," Upa's little brother said. "Thats Great idea," Nico said quickly getting his medicine bag and catching them.

Nico stealthily followed his master and his Uncle out of town. He knew he would get in trouble but really wanted to see his master fight again. He listen in to their conversation, Upa's Uncle explained somthing about a Qigong user that was killing people around there. After a few minutes of walking, there was snow on the ground. They must be far in the mountains. They arrive at a cave entrance that looked to be made out of Ice. Fascinated by the door, Nico peeked out a bit more from behind a tree, only to slip on ice. Hearing a crashing sound behind him, Upa turned around. "N...Nico!!! What are you doing here!!!" Their was no escaping now Nico need to accept his consequences. "Oh uh....hi master. Um, what am I doing here....I mean what are all of us doing" Upa gave him a little smack on the head. "Ow that huuuurrrrt," Nico whined. "I told you that you wouldn't go on any mission with me, it's to dangerous!" Nico continued to rub the bump on his head. "But master, I get so bored when not around."

"If the kid knows how to defend himself why can't he come," Upa's uncle asked. Upa knew Nico could defend himself, he just didn't want him to copy him when he used Qigong. And as much as he wanted Nico to go back, it would be safer if stayed with them. Upa looked to Nico. "Alright you can come with us, but you must be in my sight at all times." Nico jumped up in exitment. "Yes master!!!!"

The ice doors that lead to what they thought was a cave turned out to be an old temple. Nico was amazed at how big it was. Though the farther they went in, the more the temperature seem to drop. They enter a huge room that seemed to be completed made of ice. It remained queit all around them. Upa's Uncle started to look around and examine things. The silence was then broken with the sound of something cracking. Nico look up to see some of the ceiling above him fall. He froze in place, watching as it fell toward him. Before he could get crushed, Upa grabbed him and flung him across the foor, giveing himself enough time to dodge the attack. The dust cleared to revile a big hole in the floor. Nico looked at it terrified, realizing he just could have died. Upa immediately ran over to Nico. "Are you ok?!"

Upa's Uncle examined the hole. "Now there's no way the ceiling did this it's self." He look around, seeing if some one was hiding somewhere. Upa join his Uncle while Nico got up. He hadn't told his master that he had taken his medicine that prevents him from coping other peoples moves. So Nico really didn't have a good way to defend himself. Though his senses were still good. He saw a figure jump out of the shadows and yelled, "Master look out!!!" Hearing his disciple, Upa quickly dodged. The person who jumped was in a black cloak and had blades attached to his gloves. Upa's Uncle attempted to attack him but immediately got blasted into the wall with Qigong. The man look at Nico who grabbed an iceacel. He fired another attack and Nico dodged. Upa watched, knowing Nico couldn't dodge forever. Finding an opening, he grabbed Nico and landed near the exit of the room. "Go find somewhere to hide," Upa said. Nico refused to move, he wasn't going to leave his master. "Please master, let me help you," Nico said gripping his masters jacket tighter.

The man blasted another attack. Upa blocked it but went flying into the wall. The man walked over and picked him up by the scarf. Upa tried to get him to let go while the man pulled out a knife. Though before he could attack, Nico used the iceacel he had and stabbed him in the back with it. "Let go of my master you jerk!!!" The man let go of Upa and coughed up blood. Now really anger, he grabbed Nico by the hair a slammed him down on the ground. Nico strugged as the man started to choke him. Upa used a Qigong attack and blasted him off Nico. "You keep your filthy hands off my disciple," Upa said making sure Nico stayed behind him. The man stood up, ready to attack again, but got smacked on the head with an ice block by Upa's Uncle. He layed there on the ground, motionless. After a couple of seconds of silence, Nico yelled, "Yaaa we did it!!!" Upa's Uncle checked the mans plus. "He out alright," he said. Nico ran over to his master and hugged him. "I'm so glad you ok master." Nico just then notice how he was covered in scratches.

"Well this was the person we were looking for," Upa's Uncle said. He look over to see Nico treating Upa's injuries. Nico had had some extra bandages in his medicine bag. He waited for him to finish then went over to Upa. "Hey, I don't know if you've noticed, but this is kind of a nice place." Upa looked at his Uncle confused. What was he talking about? His uncle looked over to make sure Nico wasn't listening and whispered in Upa's ear. "You know, a nice place to well...propose something. Upa turned red and looked at his uncle. "Wha...what, I...I can't," he stuttered. His Uncle started to pushing him toward Nico who was putting away medical equipment. "Come on, do it." He continued to push Upa. "Uh...uh Nico, you have a minute." Nico stopped what he was doing and looked at his master. "What is it?"

"Well we've been dating for a quiet a while now and I....want to take it up a notch." Upa was struggling just as much as he was when he confessed to Nico. He looked over to his Uncle who nodded. Upa took a deep breath and looked back at Nico. "Nico, I love you a lot. But don't want us to just be dating. And I've decided I want to spend the rest of my life with you." Hearing this made Nico blush. Though he soon went from calm to surprised when Upa got down on one knee. He pulled out a box and opened it. Nico covered his mouth speechless at the sight of the ring. "Please, marry me Nico."

Tears were now falling down Nico's face as he continued to cover his mouth. "Yes I will, I will marry you!!!"Nico finally shouted. Upa himself went speechless as he floated up a kissed Nico. The two continued to kiss each other forgetting that Upa's Uncle was in the room. He smirked as he happily watched them. "Jeez, get a room you two," he said. Upa let go of Nico and slid the ring on his finger. He then picked him up and carried him out of the room. Usually Nico got embarrassed when his master carried him, but now, he didn't care what happened or what people thought. He didn't want to be apart from his master at all. I guess you could say, they were a couple of love Birds.

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