The Greatest Plan

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I sat on the seats of Charles' helicopter. I could see the Toppats down below and their base. Those evil jerks, though I was one at one point. I stared at the back of Charles' white head, his red headphones covering his ears.

"Mhmmm, mmm," Charles muttered. His calm voice kept me in check, knowing that he would still be there to help on missions. "Alright, Henry."

I looked up. Charles was staring at me.

"Alright, so what I'm gonna need you to do is drop down, infiltrate the base and whatever they're hiding, and get out of there. Got it?" He gave a thumbs up, and I replied back with another. "Not a talkative guy, eh?" 

I shook my head no. I headed over to the door and touched my hand to the door. I could feel the warm metal against my hand burning it, and I pulled away. I waited for Charles' command to open the door and jump, but I never heard it.

"When is he going to open the door?" I wondered. And then I heard it.


"Dammit Charles!" I thought to myself as the force of the crash forced me out, through the glass, and on the ground. I pulled myself up the cold floor. 

"I wanted to do that again," Charles explained, and dusted himself off. 

"How can the Government's financial status be able to support this guy?" I wondered. 

"The Government is here everybody!" I heard a voice announce. I saw lights beaming with red, and noises around me signalling we intruders were here. 

"Henry, let's go!" I heard Charles say, pulling my stick arm with him as he ran. 

"God this guy is crazy, he crashes into things and crap. Why do I love him?"

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