I. Meeting an old friend

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My life is so much more interesting inside my head ~ unknown


Sometimes the smallest of things trigger memories so strangely and so beautifully that they leave us speechless. (Running towards the top to the mountain, hand in hand)

Memories are a funny thing...even the smallest piece of our past, could remain safe and hidden in a  tiny corner of our brain (Standing next to each other on the bridge in midnight)

Memories are like chocolate boxes, once opened...one bite would never be enough (Gazing Stars together above in the sky)

Jungkook flipped the pages of the old photo album, refreshing his memories and in those, he saw him...


5 years ago

Jungkook's life was pretty simple and so-called boring according to him. His dad was the owner of Jeon Enterprises Ltd. which was one of the biggest trading business companies in South Korea.

Despite being from a rich family, Jungkook decided to live a life like a normal kid. His dad was also happy with his decision and sent him to live separately in Seoul when he was in high school. Though he continued to visit his parents frequently and had a good bonding with them.

His dad wanted him to become the CEO of the company later on, but with his own capabilities and hard work.

Studying dedicatedly was never a hard task for Jungkook, he was the topper of his batch, he always got scholarships and praise for his hard-work but he was a quiet and shy person.

With his innocent soul, his natural good looks and innate charm, he stole the hearts of many girls but was never attracted to them, and this was when he realised he was gay. 

His family didn't have any problem with this because they knew that whosoever Jungkook will find for himself, that person will be equally pure and compassionate.

He didn't have many friends, he would usually sit in a corner and study quietly though he had a deep interest in music and photography. He also wanted to learn different dance forms but he never got time for those things.

Well, his schooling went well and he got a 98% scholarship at Seoul National University. He took a business major so that he could take over the current CEO of his dad's company.

This was Jungkook's simple and boring life with no enjoyment, no fun, and no excitement according to him.


Buying groceries at the supermarket was the most tedious task for Jungkook.

"Mr Who-so-ever can't you be a little bit faster than this, I have much more things to do ''Jungkook heard a short guy complaining at the next checkout counter.

"Ahh, Jungkook aa is that you? Jeon Jungkook?"

Jungkook turned his attention to the short guy and immediately recognised him.

Park Jimin. 

He had an oval-shaped face, flat cheekbones, and occasionally had chubby cheeks, piercing intense eyes, child-like nose with very little definition. He had very plum lips and a very charming and flirtatious smile.

He was Jungkook's school classmate and his only friend in school. Jungkook used to call him his friend because he was the only one who would talk to him, though they didn't have that strong a friendship. 

Jimin was a year older than him, though they were in the same class because Jungkook started his schooling a year earlier.

"Hi Jimin" Jungkook greeted sweetly.

"Whatsup dude?" Jimin had a cheerful voice.


"Long time, huh...What are you doing these days?"

"Nothing much...just studying business management"

"Wow is that nothing much? From where?"

"Seoul National University"

"Ahh, it's hard to get admission there... I assume that you got the scholarship?"

"Ah ya 98%"

"Rocking ya, you're the same, Jungkook...you were number one also in school"

Jungkook smiled and asked shyly "What about you?"

"Music and dance major. Studying heavy subjects are not my thing, but I love doing those in which I have an interest; by the way, thank god winter vacations have started"

Jungkook was curious to know what Jimin's plans for the vacations were, he gathered a little more courage to extend the conversation and asked, "What are your vacation plans?"

"I'm going to Seonjaryeong for trekking...tomorrow"

"With family?" Ahh! don't know why he asked that question, Jungkook cursed internally.

"Nopes...with friends" Jimin saw the time in his watch and said "Ahh those slackers must be waiting for me...anyway, Jungkook...Great seeing you, dude!"

By this time his checkout cashier finished packing up his things and with that, Jimin was out of sight.

Jungkook was happy for Jimin, at least he was enjoying his life with friends, unlike him.

Jungkook had no plans for vacations, he had to study for his new project which he had to present just after the vacations were over, so literally no fun plans.

Suddenly, Jimin's counter cashier made Jungkook come back to reality, "Excuse me, Sir...Your friend left this behind." He gave him a pamphlet.

It was a tourist guide pamphlet on which Jimin's checklist for items was written with a message -

'9 am at Seoul station, Don't be late! ~ Tae'


I didn't write this chapter in one go but still, I enjoyed writing it.

Tell me your thoughts, how did you like Jungkook's life so far?


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