XVIII. Starry night

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A certain darkness is needed to see the bright stars ~ unknown 


"Oh my God, Tae!!" Jin excitedly exclaimed.

Jungkook couldn’t find his voice. He felt his cheeks flushed hot, and his stomach was heavy. His heart pounded in his throat, threatening to break out. How many love songs had Jungkook heard that said, “He takes my breath away”? Now that line made a lot of sense.

Taehyung's eyes wandered around the crowd but Jungkook's stayed locked on him. His body numbed as Taehyung approached.

Taehyung got off the band stage and hugged Jimin and Jin.

Everyone was shocked to see Taehyung, no one was expecting him here. Happily jumping and hugging each other, they all exchanged their greetings.

Jungkook was having another level of butterflies in his stomach, he could feel his heartbeat, every single pound in his chest.

Seeing this, their reunion, all the customers around gave a round of applause.

"AHHH!! Tae, you finally made it" Jimin's  happiness was on the next level, meeting his old friend after so many years was giving him chills.

"My crackhead!, you are finally here!" Hoseok ruffled Taehyung's hair and hugged him.

Yoongi and Namjoon also gave a heartwarming hug to Taehyung.

Jungkook felt the heat rise to his cheeks as Taehyung looked in his direction, he grinned and Jungkook snapped his head away, knowing that if he continued to stare, he would get lost in his big hazel eyes. Jungkook could feel Taehyung's eyes still on him, he silently inhaled and exhaled, relaxed himself and smiled back at him.

They all seated themselves comfortably at the dining table. 

"How have you been, Tae? How's life? What are you shooting nowadays?, I watched every episode of your show...Oh my gosh! dude you have gained muscles!!" Jin was continuously asking questions.

"Jin calm down, let him breathe first." Jimin said,"How long are you here for Tae? You are coming back with us to Korea, right? You have to attend the wedding."

"Sorry Jiminie...Unfortunately I won't be able to make it to the wedding, going straight to Paris on the 27th" Taehyung replied making a sad face.

Jimin made a sad pout,"But I'm glad you came here." Jimin hugged Taehyung sideways.

"Oo lala! Paris! What's happening there?" Hoseok asked.

"Starting a new project, it's an amazing one"

"Your life has always been amazing, full of craziness and travel, is it hard to keep up?" Yoongi asked.

"Yup sometimes but it's fun"

"Dude you move so much around it's hard to keep a track for us also, haha" Jimin giggled."You were in Boston when we spoke last time, right?"

"Nopes that was L.A."

"Ohh ya ya"

"So what's now then, what about the first place we will visit?" Jungkook asked.

"Ahh talking about our trip, we are having our flight tomorrow early morning, we are going to Port Douglas!!" Tae said with excitement,"I've booked all our tickets."

"Ohh great, that's where I was planning to take you guys but with a road trip, any way that time we had 2 days extra, now we don't as Tae is here, hehe, by the way what are you planning Tae?" Namjoon asked.

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