01 - Shivaay

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The digital alarm placed on the bedside table blared out loud, disturbing his sleep. Squirming a bit, he opened his eyes and saw the interior of the room. They're in Goa, realization struck. Dark memories engulfed the morning brightness that briefly shone on the businessman. His brothers, sisters, parents, grandma were miles away. More than the physical distance, it was the emotional distance that ate him up. His family was divided by accusations, and the mansion, once home, was being ruled by a hateful, cold woman. That was how Shivaay Singh Oberoi's morning started out.

He went inside the lavishly constructed washroom and freshened up. His tie, suit, wallet, phone was kept out neatly on the bed along with a glass of orange juice. Sighing, he started getting dressed and heard some clattering from downstairs. It was his wife. It has been 2 months since he talked to her properly. Shivaay couldn't stop thinking about how his whole family was away from him. It was unbearable to think about, and yet he was subjecting to himself such torture by thinking about it everyday. And amongst all this, Shivaay stopped talking to Annika, his wife of nearly 3 years. A software engineer by profession, the ex-CIO of Oberoi Industries, and now a housewife. A 3-month separation taught them to not hide anything from each other and have faith in their love, but still he kept her away from everything. Sometimes he dared to think if things would have gotten to this point if he talked to Annika about Svetlana. But things got to this point.

Finishing the glass of juice, Shivaay headed downstairs and heard Annika say, "Morning." Quickly nodding, Shivaay grabbed the toast and started chewing the toasted bread with the perfect amount of butter, avocado spread with some distinct and minced veggies, and spices. Just like he liked it. Annika knew him so well. The shades of her personality always left him mesmerized. The mature shade that took care of him in the best way possible. The childish shade of hers that left him wanting to pull her cheeks. Her smart and wise shade that was always ready to advise him or his brothers. That analytical shade that came out in every meeting as the CIO of Oberoi Industries. Everything about her got him all swelled up in pride.

He loved her so goddamn much and never wanted to
hurt her. But, he did. Only if he saw the dejected look on her face when she back into the kitchen, he would know.

Shivaay saw Annika come out with a bowl of egg bhurji. Of course, angrezzi khaana wasn't her thing. Oh, those days when ShivOmRu would cook pure desi food especially for their Annika, and her annoyed, scrunched up face would bloom brightly. OmRu, he dearly missed them. They would leave at least 25 missed calls everyday, but for some reason, he just couldn't talk to them. His throat went dry at the amount of guilt that rushed into his body. How were they? How was his grandmother? Even Annika wasn't there to take care of them. How would they be managing?

"Shivaay?" Annika's loud but sweet, feminine voice broke him out of his thoughts. Shivaay looked confused at the sudden calling of his name. He followed her gaze to only 2 colourful tablets next to his empty plate. "Take them." She said.

He obliged and stood up, "Take care."

"You too. Please have lunch on time." His wife pled. He kissed her hair and went out the front door.

Office? When Annika left him, Shivaay felt abandoned and lost. His concentration levels went downwards, and he felt like he was slipping into some pitch dark pit. To help himself, he'd cook. It was always a passion and stress-buster of his. Finally daring to, he trained a few chefs and started a restaurant in Goa. It was a well-hidden fact, and soon the restaurant's operations expanded. It was a success, and he bought a bungalow and 2 cars with the profits. Shivaay wanted to do was make his wife aware of the fact that her husband finally fulfilled his dream of spreading joy through his cooking. And he did, in the worst way. He told her plainly when they moved here and couldn't even reciprocate the proud and loving words she had to say for the success. Now, he and his team have set up this corporate office for future franchising and brand partnerships.

Annika looked outside of the window, as Shivaay got inside his car. Tears started forming in her eyes, and she didn't even have the strength to wipe them.

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