Chapter 4

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The next day I went to Kaito.''Happy birthday, Kaito.'' I quickly bought him a present this morning.''A skate board? Cool, thanks Kyoko.'' We went outside to try out the skate board I bought him.''It's really nice, wanna try?'' I shaked my head.''I can't skate board, I would immediately fall off.'' He laughed.''You would indeed. Well, I thought you said you would leave around 1 PM?'' He showed his phone sreen with the time. It was 1 PM.''Oh, I forgot. Well, have a nice day, Kaito. See you later!'' I hurried.''Ah, there you are, Kyoko!'' Toga waved at me as she saw me coming. Shigaraki was as moody as yesterday.''Hi, Toga. Hi Shigaraki!'' I got off my bike and Toga hugged me. It felt like we have known each other for years, but we just met yesterday.''Have you heard of that villain attack yesterday in Yokohama city? My mom said she was stuck in the traffic because of that.'' Toga and Shigaraki seemed nervous again.''Y-yeah, I've heard about it indeed. Can't believe there are villains in Yokohama. They are still on the loose, right?'' Toga asked. I nodded.''The police couldn't capture them, because they escaped. I always wonder what's the reason villains are doing those things. I mean, they must have a good reason, right? I often watch the news when there has been a villain attack, because I think it's actually pretty cool. Those fight scenes and how they actually manage to escape.'' Toga was a little bit less nervous. I wonder why they are always so nervous when I ask them things. Maybe it has something to do with their secret which I still don't know.''Also, when are you gonna tell me your secret? I'm so confused!'' I asked.''Uhm, don't know, but now isn't really the right time I guess.'' Toga turned her face to Shigaraki and he shaked his head.''Well, I'll definitely tell you when you need to know, Kyoko.'' Toga smiled a bit.''Where's Dabi by the way? you said he had other things to do, right?'' Toga nodded.''He has something personal to do, he wouldn't even tell us.'' ''Seriously?'' I asked. Toga nodded again. Wow, it must be very important if he can't even tell them.''Oh right. Kyoko, I have something for you!'' Toga grabbed something from her bag.''Huh, oh!'' Shigaraki also knew what she meant. What could it be?''Here you go!'' She gave me a big white sweater with 'best' written in black. She grabbed another sweater out which was black with 'friends' written in white.''Now we have matching sweaters!'' Toga was really excited and waited for me to try it on. I was wearing a T-shirt so I tried it on over my shirt.''It looks good on you, Kyoko!'' Toga tried on hers as well.''I mean we're kinda best friends, right?'' I nodded smiling. The sweater was oversized and really comfy. It started to get cold so it was nice wearing this sweater.''My phone says it's about to rain, so are we going home or are we gonna search for a dry spot?'' Shigaraki asked.''I don't wanna go home yet, but where could we go?'' I looked around.''Can't we go to your place?'' I asked them.''Uh, I don't think that's a good idea, Kyoko'' Toga said. Shigaraki nodded.''Well, we can't go to my place either. But why tho? Is it about the secret?'' Toga nodded a bit.''It kinda is'' she said.''Well, maybe we can go to our place. Depends on what Shigaraki wants.'' Toga turned her face to Tomura.''Uh- i don't really think tha-'' ''Aw, come on. We can just go there and not tell her the secret yet, can't we?'' Shigaraki couldn't ignore Toga's puppy dog eyes.''Alright then, but if Dabi asks we say it was your idea, Toga!'' ''But it was my-'' Shigaraki interrupted me.''Doesn't matter, we just say it was Toga's, ok?''I nodded and so did Toga. She was very excited. It was a long walk to their place, but Toga kept on talking so it wasn't boring. We entered the abadonned part of Yokohama city. Could they really live here? It was the most empty part of the city and it was dark, even during daytime.''We're almost there, Kyoko! Can't wait to show you!'' We entered a narrow alley. in the middle of it was a door. Shigaraki grabbed the keys from his pocket. We went upstairs and entered a room with a kind of bar. Toga sat down on one of the bar seats as she was heavily exhausted. It was a long walk.''So, this is where you live? It's kinda small, isn't it?'' Toga nodded.''Wanna see my room?'' Toga took me to one of the bedrooms. Toga's room was the only one which wasn't messy. Dabi and Shigaraki's shared a room, but bot with their own beds. Their room was one big mess, but what would you expect? A totally clean room? After showing me almost all rooms we went back to the bar room, but our smiling faces turned into shook stares.''What the heck, Shiggy? Why'd you bring Kyoko here? How about the secret?'' Dabi was back early.''It was Toga's idea!'' Shigaraki pointed at Toga.''Don't act like a little child, Shigaraki. Anyways, what do we do now?'' Dabi looked at Shigaraki and Toga.''We didn't tell her the secret yet, so it's safe!'' Toga said.''Ok, but I still can't believe that you are our leader, Shigara- oh'' Dabi blocked his mouth with his hands.''Dabi, you idiot! I can't believe this, now we'll have to tel her otherwise she'll find out herself.'' Shigaraki sighed. Wait, leader?!Leader of what? They're telling me their secret? But how about the whole 'she'll have to come with us' thing? I'm so confused, but I don't know what to do.''Who's telling her?'' Toga asked nervously? Everyone suddenly got nervous.''You're telling me? Right here, right now?'' I was totally confused.''Guess so'' Dabi replied.''I'll tell her, but what are we gonna do after we told her?'' Shigaraki asked.''Uhm, keep her here? Isn't that obvious?'' Keep me here? What the heck? What is their secret and why do they need to keep me here?''How about my mom? What if she finds out?'' I checked my phone as I got a message.''My mom sent me a message where I am, what should I say?'' Dabi grabbed my phone out of my hand.''I'll answer it and after that you'll tell her, Shiggy!'' Dabi said. He was writing a message and sent it.''Ok, go on.'' Shigaraki nodded.''Ok, so, uhm. How do I say this? We're actually a group of villains. Remember that villain attack yesterday? That was us. That's why we were acting all nervous whenever you asked personal stuff.'' I don't really remember what happened, but I know I fainted after he told me that.

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