Chapter 2- Problem

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   •April's P.O.V•

The boys and I had every single class together. I noticed a lot of tension between Michael and Luke now..

"Luke you don't have to be embarrassed. I'm excited to come to see my favorite band perform." I told luke and he looked at me and smiled and I smiled back. We all walked to math together. I was actually really good at math and so was Calum, but I can't say the same for the other boys.

"I hate math!" Luke said before we walked in the roo

"We all know Luke." Ashton said laughing

Luke sat behind me in math. Ashton sat in front of me. Michael sat next to me and Calum sat on the other side. We all sat down at our seats and we see 'Pop Quiz!' On the board.

And luke says "Oh god!" And the whole class began to laugh.

Mrs.Everson said "Oh Luke you'll be fine."

Luke just shoke his head. I turned around and looked at him and smiled and said

"You'll be fine." And I turned back around and I saw Mrs.Everson passing put papers

     I'm not really in the mood for a pop quiz.. it was mostly because I have a lot on my mind. It was getting around time for college and I got accepted to one of the best colleges in the world! But it's not in Australia.. it's all the way in Florida! Which is like a billion miles away. And it would be a great opportunity for me but then at the same time what about the boys? I don't know what I was going to do.. I know they would be proud of me but would flip if I said where the college was. I don't know how nor when to tell the boys.. ugh but I knew that it wasn't time to think about this now because I now had a pop quiz on my desk.

    I open the booklet/packet and see its just a review of what we gave been doing the past month. There was 20 questions so I started immediately. I used another piece of paper for scratch paper and I worked out each problem. It took me about 15 minutes and I was finished. I saw no one else on the class was done so I just got up and put it in the bucket and sat back down.

    The whole class looks at me like how are you done? I just shrug and continue to think about  college. Now I'm also accepted into like 15 other colleges but the one in Florida is the best one.. I don't know what to do. I sat there the rest of the class weighing my options but then realized that if I ever have something that I don't know about I always ask them and they help me figure it out but this one is different now.. The bell rings I stand up and I grab my books. I wait for the boys and Michael says

"I totally failed that!" He yelled

"Me to." Ashton and luke said at the same time.

Me and calum stood there awkwardly since we were the smart ones.. We all go to our lockers and get our books for science. None of sat by each other in science so we all separated and sat down at our seats.

    I zoned out the whole class still trying to figure out what to do but then I decided I was going to bring it up at lunch. Which was next period and this period ends in 3 mintues. I felt butterflies in my stomach I felt like I might throw up. I was really really really nervous!

    DING!!! That was the bell to the end of the class. Oh god I don't know about this. I didn't wait for the boys at the end of this class I just walked out of the room and went to my locker put my books away. I just leaned up against my locker and took deep breathes and the boys came up to me and Luke said

"April are you ok?" He asked concerned

I could see the concern in his face which made it worse.

"Uh y-yea.." I began to stutter when I get nervous which of course he knew that. He looked at me and knew something wasn't right but he just put his books away and so did Calum, Michael, and Ashton. We all walked into the lunch room and I got a salad and Luke got a burger and fries as did the other boys. And we all went and sat down at our table. I picked at my salad not having much of amn appetite. And I felt like some on was looking at me and I look up to see Luke staring at me and then he looks away. Okay I couldn't do it anymore.

     "Okay look you guys you know how college is coming up?" I say and everyone nods.

"Well look I got accepted to one of the best collages in the world." And they all stopped eating ams looked at me and smiled.

"That's great!" Calum says

They all began eating again.

"There's a problem though." I say frowning and looking down at the ground. There all still eating not really concerned.

"Well what is it?" Michael asked me

"It's in.. F-Flordia." I finally spit it out and Michael,Calum,Ashton, and Luke all drop there food and look at me in disbelief...

Author message- Omg what do you think there going to say?!! CLIFFHANGER!!》

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