A Pizza for Jeremy [Part 2.5] Bon's Pov

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"How about welcome to the family." I suggested.

"That works." Bonnie said. I then started to write the message on top of the box, then I added, "From: Bonnie and Bon."

"Ready to take it down to him?" Bonnie asked.

"You think he'll like it?" I asked.

Bonnie just wrapped me in a hug, "Of course he will, or I'll make him." Bonnie said.

I giggled at his comment, "That won't be needed, but thanks." I said back, "Let's go give him the pizza before it gets cold." I then picked up the box and started walking towards the office. As we neared the office I saw Freddy, Foxy and Fred chatting with Jeremy.

As we walked up the hallway to the office. I was finally able to hear them chatting with Jeremy.

"So lad, what caused ye to apply for the night shift." Foxy asked Jeremy.

"Well, you mainly just had to sit and watch cameras, and make sure nothing breaks." Jeremy said with a shrug.

The others laughed at his response and that's when we just entered the office.

"Hello everyone." I say in a happy voice.

"Hey Bon and Bonnie" Everyone said in unison.

"Hey guys." Bonnie said and waved.

Jeremy looked at the pizza in my hands.

"Who's that for?" He asked.

"Bonnie and I made this for you as a welcoming gift. Hope you like it." I say sitting the pizza down in front of him. Jeremy looked at the message I wrote on the box, then opened the box.

"Thanks Bon and Bonnie for the pizza." He said while picking up a slice to take a bit, "It tastes great too." He said with a smile.

"I'm happy you liked it." I said back.

"So what time is it?" Bonnie asked.

"It's 2am why?" Chica asked.

"Just wanted to know the time." Bonnie responded back.

"Well you guys have fun." I said to everyone, "I'm going to go hang with Chi and Mangle now."

"Alright Bon see you later then." Bonnie said while giving me a hug.

I then made my way towards Kid's Cove. As I entered the Cove I just saw Mangle sitting on her stage.

"Hey Bon, what's up." Mangle asked me.

"Nothing much." I said sitting beside Mangle. "Where's Chi?" I asked

"She should be back soon." Mangle said just as Chi entered the room

"Hey Bon, didn't expect you to be here." Chi said smiling.

"Hey Chi." I said smiling back, "I just wanted to hang out with you two."

"Anyway, Mangle how are you and Foxy doing?" I asked looking now at Mangle.

"Pretty good, although he loves to tell pirate stories." She said with a laugh, and Chi laughed as well.

"Of course. He was originally a pirate." I said laughing a little at her comment.

"So Bon, I heard you and Bonnie made a pizza together." Mangle said to me.

I just nodded my head, "Yep!" I said happily back, "and we gave it to Jeremy as a welcoming gift."

"Did he like it?" Chi asked.

"He loved it." I said

"That's good." Mangle said.

"So what do you two want to do?" I asked Chi and Mangle.

"We could go join the others with Jeremy." Chi suggested.

"Boring!" Mangle shouted back, "We should play games in the arcade. I want to win a Foxy plush." Mangle said.

"I'm with Mangle on that Chi." I said.

"It was just a suggestion. You two can go play in the arcade then I'm going to hang with the others." Chi said and left the room.

"You want to win a Foxy plush?" I asked Mangle.

"Yeah, and don't you act like you don't want a Bonnie plush." Mangle said with a smirk back.

"Fine you got me there." I said in defeat, "but can't you just grab a plush from the shelf."

"What's the fun in that, plus we have about 3 hours left till the place reopens backup for the day." Mangle said getting up and heading towards the door.

"Fair point." I said getting up and following her to the arcade.

When we got there Mangle instantly went for the ski ball machine. I played the one beside her.

-Time skip to 5:30am-

"You think we have enough tickets." I asked holding up our tickets.

"Well a plush is 300 tickets and we have 600, so we have enough." Mangle said.

We headed up to the prize counter and I sat the tickets down.

"So now what do we do with these?" I asked.

"Well, normally someone would take them and count them. Then you tell them what you want." Mangle said.

"There's no one here though." I said.

"So then let's get the Mari then." Mangle said walking over to a music box.

Mangled knocked on the box.

"Who is it." Asked Mari from inside the box.

"It's me Mangle, and Bon's here too. We just want to trade our tickets in for a prize."

"Alright give me a second." The box then slowly opened revealing a tall, skinny Mari.

"Right this way." Mari said going to the counter.
Once Mari was behind the counter Mangle and I sat the tickets down.

"I would like the Foxy plush, and Bon wants the Bonnie plush." Mangle said to Mari.

Mari then grabbed a cute Bonnie plush for me, and a Foxy plush for Mangle.

"There you go and I'll take your tickets now." Mari said.

Mangle and I sat the tickets down and grabbed our plushes and thanked Mari before heading back to the Cove.

"It's almost opening time." I said looking at the time, "Where should I store this?" I asked Mangle holding up the plush.

"Give it to Bonnie, I'm sure he'll watch over it for you." Mangle said, getting onto her stage and hiding her plush under a loose floor board.

"Alright then. Have a great day Mangle."

"You have a good day to Bon."

I just left the Cove and headed towards parts and service. I open the door to see everyone powered off. I quickly found a piece of paper and wrote a note on it. I then sat the plush with a note on it next to Bonnie. I then gave him a quick hug, and then left the room. I then journeyed towards the show stage.

Today is another day.

Word count: 1062

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