A Wish Comes True [Final Part] Bon's Pov

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"I'm just going to go find Chi then." I say starting to walk off.

"Ok, when you do find her, tell her the pizza was great." I heard Bonnie call out from behind.

Did my wish just come true? Doesn't matter I need to tell Chi about this crazy day.

I manage to find Chi with Mangle and it looks like they're already talking about something. As I got close to the entrance to the party room and overheard Mangle talking about someone with bright red hair calming to be Foxy.

"Hey guys." I say entertaining the room.

"Hey Bon." Chi and Mangle both say at the same time.

"Did you see the people dressed all weird today, Mangle said one claimed to be Foxy." Chi said

"I did and one claimes to be Bonnie." 

"Do you believe him?" Mangle asked.

"Well, I didn't really think it could be him. That was until he told me that I kept a plush of Bonnie in parts and service, and that we went looking at the stars last night." I say

"Did you believe him after that." Mangle asked and Chi was curious too.

"Well, I do and he said he'll tell me more at midnight." I say, "Oh and Chi, Bonnie said your pizza was great."

-Time Skip 10:30pm-

"Alright, Freddy said to meet him and the others in one of the party rooms." Fred walking towards the party room, and we followed behind.

"I have so many questions to ask." I say still processing what happened in the last few hours.

"Me too Bon, me too." Mangle said right beside me.

We soon enter a party room where others are supposed to be.

"Uh you must be the Toys that they've talked so much about." Said the person with bunny ears and dirty blonde color hair.

"Hey Bon." Bonnie said sitting at one of the tables. I waved him hello.

"So who are you guys?" Fred asks the golden hair color person.

"The name's Fredbear, and this is Spring." Fredbear said gesturing towards the person who is apparently called Spring. 

"Can you explain how and why?" Chi asked.

"We can't really explain why we can do it." Fredbear said.

"Even we don't know. " Spring jumped in with.

"But yes we can tell you how." Fredbear continued with.

"All you have to do is clear your mind and focus on being human." Bonnie said walking up beside me, "It's that easy."

"Ok then." I say.

I took a deep breath and cleared my mind. Soon me and the rest of us turned human. Bonnie stared at me with his mouth open.

"Well how do I look." I ask Bonnie.

"You look beautiful." He said giving me a kiss on the head.

"Ok enough you lovebirds." Fredbear said causing me to blush like mad.

"So can we change back?" Freddy asked.

"Of course you can." Spring said, "Just do what you did before, but think of being an animatronic instead." 

"Okay you all can go now." Fredbear said as everyone got up and headed out of the party room.

I sat down at a party table in the main area when Mangle sat down beside me.

Love at First Sight (Bonnie x Toy Bonnie)Where stories live. Discover now