Chapter 8 - The Sun

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'3, 2, 1! Let it rip!'

Kira and Dynamis launched their beyblades and the battle began.

Phoenix went straight to the centre of the stadium and stood there.

'What is she doing?' Gingka asked not understanding the female's strategy.

'I don't know,' Madoka admitted. 'But the metal balls are on the inside of the fusion wheel so Jade Jupiter is in defence mode now!'

'So, that's what you did! Smart,' Kira said. 'I assume you already know about Phoenix's ultimate then.'

'The stars gave me the guidance I needed,' Dynamis replied with a smile.

'You have the stars, but I have the brains. And when it comes to strategy, the brains win,' the red-haired blader spoke with confidence. 'You see, your little Jupiter's performance tip is made out of rubber, which means bye, bye stamina. Phoenix's performance tip isn't. So, you have two options, you attack, or you wait until Jade Jupiter stops.'

Dynamis expression changed from confident to upset. He really had to attack if he didn't want to lose because she wasn't going to do anything until he did.

Then, the purple beyblade approached the red one at full speed. If he was going to attack, then he would make sure it would damage Phoenix.

'Phoenix, Eternal Burning Ashes!' Kira's strong and determined voice spoke and then Jupiter was repelled. That was supposed to weaken the purple bey, but it didn't. Nevertheless, Dynamis looked surprised. 'I know that battle with Ryuto was just to show us your little tricks and make us assume things about your MO. But guess what, I've seen beyond that.'

'So then, the battle with me was just a set up for this battle and nothing more?' a shocked Ryuto asked.

'Exactly,' the girl confirmed as he watched Jade Jupiter approaching Phoenix again. Dynamis was trying to at least make the red beyblade lose balance. 'Now, watch and learn. This is the power of the Star Fragment! Phoenix, Rise From The Ashes!'

Suddenly, a red light invaded the stadium and, when it was gone, Phoenix was rotating to the left.

Dynamis smirked. Now, the red bey was in attack mode which meant Jupiter's defence mode was going to show its true power.

'Don't be all happy,' Kira said firmly. 'No one survives Phoenix left rotation.'

Phoenix attacked fiercely creating small explosions every time its red fusions wheel touched Jupiter's one. It looked like Kira was going to win.

However, her attacks weren't having the effect she expected. The female knew Dynamis beyblade was strong when in defence mode, but it was revealing to be too strong. Phoenix's attacks weren't working at all. That was when the red-haired blader decided to use another special move.

'Phoenix, show him your wings!' she shouted. 'Eternal Phoenix Flaming Sharp Wings!'

The red flash was heading in Jade Jupiter's direction at full speed. There was no way it was going to survive that, but it did, and Phoenix was sent flying.

Kira's light teal eyes widen with the shock and she wasn't the only one surprised. Everyone was. They thought that would be the final blow or at least it would damage Jupiter, but it did nothing.

Dynamis had Kira on the palm of his hand.

'What's the matter, my friend?' he asked the girl that had a troubled expression on her beautiful face. 'In the end, you are also nothing more than a tiny star orbiting my great planet, understand?'

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