Paint me a picture

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The day we intertwined
"Sir, there must be a simple way for us to speak with the boss" there was a green haired boy at the front desk of the business, poor guy didn't have the power of camouflage like I did

It was simple - my quirk is paint, I can blend in with any surface like a damn chameleon and remove paint off surfaces then control it. My feet simply strolled through the halls while the boy argued with the assistant at the desk who clearly wasn't listening "Miss, I don't think you're allowed to be here?"

I halted before turning with a sweet smile "My father owns the company, he told me to meet him in his office for lunch but I think I took a wrong turn somewhere?" The lie worked every time no matter how many times I used it!

The worker returned the smile "Ah yes, you must be 'Natsuki', the old man said he was expecting you. My apologies! Right this way" he led me towards the main office but just as we turned the corner that held the room holding the main man, I pressed my back against the wall feeling my body fill with colours to camouflage with my background

"I believe we're here m-" the worker turned around to find me 'gone' from view thinking he'd walked too fast. "Miss? Miss?! Did I go too fast?! Oh where did you go?" The man hurried past me back down the hall giving me the opportunity to come out of hiding and sprint across the hall on my way to the vault

I jumped as the sound of alarms and explosions rang through air, it didn't phase me too badly due to the fact that I was already half done unlocking the vault door. Once it opened, I took everything inside shoving onto every concealed pocket I had and what couldn't fit - went into my little bag.

On my way out, I strutted past the three guys who were arguing at the front desk "who the hell are you?!" The blonde was loud but from his appearance, he was the muscle of the group so that's to be expected. The little green one pulled on his arm "Kacchan! We don't have time!"

His vermillion eyes started into my chrome ones "Go without me, I ain't done yet!" I rolled my eyes and kept walking pissing him off all the more "They need you, 'Kacchan'. You're not the type to abandon your team, are you?"

Only once the blonde left, I ran at full speed using paint off the walls to increase my speed. I managed to make it all the way back to my little lair and stash the stuff before they came kicking down my door

"You! You stole our raid!" Of course it was the loud mouth to go first as I sat there eating my pudding cup. The other two were attempting to hold him back but it would only be a matter of time before he came for me with full force

"Now was it really ever even yours If you never laid eyes on it?" the other two let go of him contemplating the statement for themselves and soon they would see that I was right.

"Who are you, how'd you even get past the front desk?" The green haired one sounded exactly like I'd expected, he had one of those faces where you can practically hear the voice without listening to him. I presumed the other guy would sound more stoic or sweet, I wasn't sure yet but I couldn't wait to find out!

"My friends call me 'Chameleon'. It's easy really, just play the 'daddy owns the place' card and I was in. Use my quirk when he's not looking, send him away and unlock the vault, take everything and try to look 'innocent' on the way out"

I tossed the cup in the bin before leaning forward off the stage as my lair was an old building used for small things like pantomimes and temporary comedy acts, lucky I was 'hilarious'!

"And now you three?" I wiggled my legs "'Ground Zero', half 'n half here goes by 'Shoto' and the idiot is 'Deku'" I drummed my fingers on the stage restlessly "nice, very 'creative' to use your own names. Really strikes fear into my heart" my words were laced with sarcasm however only 'Ground Zero' seemed to notice

"The hell do you mean by that?!" I pulled my eye with my middle finger while sticking my tongue out, to say I was mature would be a laughing joke. I was as petty as they come!

"Why you little-""Kacchan, language!" I bit my bottom lip at the action, I'd seen many human interactions before but nothing like this! The way they worked well and cooperated but still had the humanity to argue like family

"Agh, what am I doing?! Look, the stuff I got back from the stash, it's locked in the back," I threw 'Shoto' the key "go help yourselves!" I walked away after watching them hurry in the direction I pointed.

I didn't exactly go far, I only blended in with the stage background as the squad carried their rewards out. Only the green haired one turned to try and find me, my guess is that he wanted to thank me? There were other places I could raid so it wasn't like I needed any of it

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