Face to Face

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The next day

It wasn't that I was late, but there was some paperwork that I needed to check over, and it was supposed to rain today even though the morning looked beautiful! Hikari was going to kick off our plan today which meant that if there was a storm, I'd be wide awake throughout it due to the coffee overdoses - what had I forced myself into?

I really had to go. The sound of the door lock clicking behind me gave my mind a boost of courage but something felt wrong, like I was being watched but it was a safe place. My parents always told me that I was paranoid as a child so it's probably nothing...right?

"That story about your grandmother - you tell that to everyone? Or just me?" I knew that voice, I'd done shots with that voice, so why'd it bring me comfort? "I have to go" I went to take another step but it was like nature was against me or something as the pastel blossom drifted from the overhead branches and into my hair loosely

"The least you could do is tell us what happened? How you've been? Let us know you? The 'you' no one else sees" I froze with my head down, they were all around me! Maybe it'll be fine? Maybe they'll leave? Someone make it stop! one of my braids slid across off my shoulder hanging in front of my face "I'm rather not"

I didn't move to keep going "And you wouldn't want to either..." My foot took one step before someone hugged me tightly from behind, all I felt was this overwhelming sense of comfort, this sensation that someone else had stepped into my world "you're not walking away, not again!"

Without thinking, I let my body steal the colours of Bakugo's suit causing my body to to turn red and black trying to camouflage against him but unlike a wall, not all of him were those colours "...hold me..." I felt Deku and Todoroki join the hug just as the rain started to fall "I just wanted to see what it was like...to be boring"

I couldn't tell if it was rain or tears but Todoroki's hands wiped my cheeks "there's no fun in being boring, be ours instead?" The last part went straight over my head as my head leant into his chest "c'mon stardust, you're going to get sick if you stay out here" Deku started dragging me back into the house with the other two making sure I actually got there

The second I sat down on my bed, my body took the sheets' colouring too "What's with all the blending? You sick or something?" My hands gripped the edge of the bed as Bakugo interrogated me "it's nothing"

As if on command, thunder rattled the heavens causing me to jump but as I tried to stand, my legs have out from underneath me "damn it" Todoroki moved quick enough to catch me before I hit the ground. He moved me back onto the bed and wrapped me in a hug from behind "Get blankets, a heater, the pig thing and anything that comes to mind - we have girl to comfort"

Todoroki snuggled his head into the crook of my neck "so you do have something to fear, I would never have thought of thunder as being your weakness" my hands fidgeted together until a blanket fell over my back, then I gripped that harshly until my knuckles turned white

"I-it's a long story, no big deal" I felt my face drain of colour as I flinched once more when the sky lit up outside with electricity "Stardust, you're so pale" All of a sudden, the lights went out causing a whimper to escape my lips...I was alone...with three men...in the dark...and I was vulnerable "Damn power cut, I'll go check it out"

I felt for Bakugo's wrist holding on once I found it "No, no one leave, no one move, just...stay?" I listened for the sound of him pulling away but it never came, the room fell into a deafening silence as I screamed at myself mentally to say something or just make some kind of move

"You ever tried counting sheep? That's supposed to work with this kind of thing" Bakugo's hand ran along my arm trying to figure out where I was before his fingers tipped up my chin to face his even though I couldn't see him, I could feel his breath fan across my cheek indicating he was only inches away

"You like pigs, right? That's why you carry around that damn stuffy" I moved my mouth to speak but no physical words came out, just sounds that showed nervous I really was "one pig," my eyes flickered to the window but who I guessed was Deku, blocked my view by stepping next to Bakugo "two pigs," my breathing began to slow as I focused on his counting, it was rough but the steady pace of his voice distracted me from everything else

"That's it, little witch. Keep going" His lips brushed mine gently "I don't think you should call her that, she's no witc-""No, she's a damn canvas!" Without interruption, I was pinned on the bed next to Todoroki with Bakugo against my chest "Forget the blankets and hot water bottles, I say we handle this ourselves, using nothing but sweet body heat"

It felt like no amount of time had passed before all clothes were on the floor, and the thunder could no longer be heard from inside the room, only noises innocent ears should never hear...

well except for mine...

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