Come and go

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The next meeting
"Alright, let's get this over with. I've got things to do, places to be" the whole room seemed shocked by my sudden change of attitude. Usually I was the careless laid back villain, and here I was having to keep time? The only things I had to do were pack up my house and leave this dump far behind, that was the goal

"Are you sure you're okay?" 'Shoto' kept asking if I was okay my hands slapped down on the table "c'mon guys! I'm fine! And personally, I don't wanna be here right now, I wanna go out there and ransack the whole damn city...but I'm not. The least you could do is cut to the chase?" I took a deep breath realising how I was talking to "sorry. That was out of line"

Throughout the whole time they discussed plans, I stayed silent drowning in the awkward atmosphere. Why'd I have to open my mouth?! Crap! I felt Toga's hands toy with my braids before I started walking to the couch with my head in my hands, why'd I agree to stay afterwards? It didn't help that I was still bleeding probably through my underwear if I hadn't worn a pad

"So what's your real name?" I looked up to see the blonde male glaring down at me with his hands shoved in his pockets "Why? What's it matter?" I heard him chuckle darkly "got quite the tongue to ya, little witch, I'll give you that" I tried to stand but he pushed me back down "why didn't you answer our damn messages?!"

I smirked up at him "I was busy - why'd you send the messages?" A 'tch' sound came from his lips as he started to walk away "my name - it's Kiyoe" I watched him glance over his shoulder "that's a dumbass' name" I chewed my cheek "tell that to my parents" he swung around with his finger jabbed at me as I sat spread out against the back of the couch

"Not this time, you're big girl now! So own up to what you've done" he was referring to his feelings "Nah, it's easier to watch from afar as you work everything else out yourself. It's practically a crime for a painter to corrupt someone else's canvas?" As I tried to move past him, his hand wrapped around my suspenders pulling me backwards into him

"Where do you think you're going?!" My back slammed into his front with enough for to make me lose my balance "and what's with the hair colours?!" I wracked my brain trying to figure out an answer he would actually believe, cause there's no way he'd believe I was 'sick'

"I uh, dyed it for a job. Now let go of me!" Somehow he managed to lift me by the straps so I was dangling with my arms folded "You got a lot of bite in you for someone of your height" I shoved him but it had no effect

"'s not nice to play with her feelings" I was suddenly dropped "she played with ours!" 'Shoto' pressed a finger to 'Bakugo's lips sending chills down my back "and we'll get our payback, like we always do. But you're off track from the plan"

While they conversed, I slipped away only to bump into Dabi on the way out. He didn't exactly look impressed, not that he ever did but that was just Dabi for you. My eyes drifted away from his burning blue ones that always left scorch marks on my soul

"You don't seem like the type to up and leave without saying goodbye" I didn't say a word, I just slipped a note into his hand partially in shame of what I was about to do. I was leaving, because a bunch of boys?

'After midnight tonight, burn down the theatre if you can, tell everyone that there was freak accident, I died in the fire, leave it at that'

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