Sunset eyes

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I'd completely forgotten about last night until I woke up in a bed with three other men. I felt like I'd just stepped through so random portal to another timeline or dimension because there's no way I let that happen! Right? It's all in my head, please let it be a dream!

I crawled to the bottom of the bed to go shower, surely I hadn't just gone and done the one thing I burned my house down to escape? Why'd my body ache so bad? Why was I covered in bruises?! Those idiots! After the shower, I went on a run to waste time thinking more about the things I'd already mulled over...then it all came flooding back

I felt so embarrassed, the one night they came, there was a storm - and I was a complete coward in front of them! On the way back into the house, I peaked into the bedroom to find them all cuddled together but Todoroki was staring me down with the other two in his arms still out cold, his eyes followed me as I wandered into the kitchen

I felt arms slip around me as I was raiding the fridge "In future, it would be nice to wake up with all three of my partners instead of finding one raiding her own fridge" I didn't push Todoroki off or anything like I'd expected, I just scanned the boxed udon in my hands

"Why don't you let us go out and buy something? Let us pay for breakfast?" I shook my head smiling while reading the
"No you've already done too much for me, it wouldn't be right" he took the package from my hands placing it on the countertop before pulling my hands so that I stumbled closer to him

"Come now my crazy little psycho" The villain spun me around passionately "We're villains, whatever we spend," my back pressed against his chest with his mouth right next to my ear "can also be stolen" I could help but blush as his breath brushed across my neck

Before I knew the other two were all over me "There she is! The little witch" Bakugo's hands attacked my sides before lifting me onto the counter top holding me there while making sure that my focus was purely on him "Would you look at that, she didn't blend into the counter"

As my body became a flustered mess, I did exactly that stealing the white marble colouring "You owe me, Icyhot" I crossed my legs blocking him from getting too close "It hasn't even been a week yet" he leaned in closer "How come you're so cute when you're coy, hah?" I tried my best not to blush "I got a lot to do today, like packing up all my crap here" I slid into a crouching position and scooted to a part of the counter he wasn't blocking and hopped down

"Let us help, Stardust" I bit my lip "I'll think about it" I knew they wouldn't let me say 'no', and if i did - they'd probably help anyway. Plus, it wasn't like I couldn't use an extra pair of hands. It would be faster and who wouldn't want to see three hot guys at work?!

I wandered back to the bedroom and started packing a few random things into a box seeing them standing in the doorway "You three were UA students not long ago right?" I watched them tense like deer in headlights, I had them exactly where I wanted!

"So what if we were?!" I tossed them an old yearbook I picked up "I was in class 1B" Deku began flicking through to my page "That's her, bottom right...but we never saw you?" I swept my hair over my left shoulder "that was the idea, I wasn't so social back then, long story, but I was constantly blended into the walls"

I felt Todoroki walk behind me "Well, my darling...there's no going back into the shadows now that you've caught our attention" I felt his hands being my hair back behind my shoulders "Where there's a way out, there's a way in" I felt him bite my ear slightly "not this time" his hands roamed my waist as I continued packing the box as much as I could

"Didn't you say something about breakfast?" I felt him peck my cheek "You're all the 'breakfast' I need" the other two dove towards him "you only get a piece if you're sharing, Shoto!" I pushed the box further onto the bed in case I was to follow "what happened to the whole 'packing' plan?"

Deku had fully shoved me onto the bed cuddling with me as the other two picked up a box "just be careful, some of this stuff is kinda precious to m-" I would've continued but I felt lips press to my own stealing my words "Don't worry about them, I'll personally see to it that nothing gets broken...starting with your heart"

I bit my lip trying to hold back the blush "Blend for me, baby" I rolled us over so that I was on top, I bet he didn't know I was a switch! I kissed the side of his neck softly as the other two boxed up the bedroom. My hands clutched his tightly as I reached his collarbone forming a mark he'd 'enjoy' later

I was about to go lower when I was ripped off him, and because I was small, it didn't exactly take much. "Kacchan, she was just getting to the good part!" Deku pouted at Bakugo who had his arms wrapped around my body "Don't act like you two weren't going too far without us!"

Deku made grabby hands towards me as he sat up "Now, now you two - don't be hasty, we agreed to share, not fight for the 'banquet'" I didn't quite understand why I was always being referred to as food? I didn't mind proven by the redness of my face but I was curious to where it originated from

Every time they cleared a room, I'd cuddle with a different person switching each time as some sort of 'reward' system but if it kept them motivated my house having less stuff not in cardboard boxes then who was I to complain?!

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