Chapter 15

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Chapter 15

Armin stared at her in disbelief he stood up and ran away with a million things running through his head. He didn't think killing someone was worth lifting some spell, if he was meant to never really love anyone fine he didn't want to hurt anyone. He was sure Annie only did it with the best intentions right? He hoped that was the case he was sure of it she didn't seem like she was a evil girl she saved him how could she be a bad person?!
He stopped as his sleeves got cough on a tree branch, out of anger he didn't care he just tugged at it until it ripped leaving his sleeves tattered he really couldn't give a shit about his clothes being ruined he just wanted to talk to Annie, he was sure she would tell him she never had any bad intentions, he could understands why she would hide something like that from him. She must have been afraid that he would hate him but he couldn't hate her well maybe that was from the curse but still he would still forgive her. But then again he wasn't sure he would really be able to forgive her for all he knows he's only thinking this way because of what she did to him....what if he's only defending her because the curse won't allow any ill feelings towards her? No don't think like that, it can't be that it couldn't be that it would force him to never be angry with her or have any ill feelings towards her again he could only hope. All he needed to do was talk to her right? She would tell him the truth wouldn't she?

Kirsta followed Armin closely from behind but enough where he wouldn't notice her, she watched him closely she wasn't planning on letting him ask Annie in the first place she just needed to be close to water. It would be more convenient for her. All she knew was she was tired of waiting, she's been waiting for so many years now he was a better age and she just wanted him all to herself. She just wanted the sweet prince and this time she learnt from her mistakes not to drown him again.

Armin finally stopped running breathing heavily all out of breath, standing hunched over a bit with his hands on his knees. He then felt a water droplet on his head another one followed after that until it began to pour soaking him to the bone, his feet sank in now wet dirt beneath him turning into mud his cold body began to shiver in the cold rain. That didn't stop him though still breathing very heavily he went on running to the beach where he hoped Annie would be.
Kirsta stared up at the sky with a devious grin. Enjoying the feel of the water on her skin it wasn't salt water but still felt just as nice. "It was fun but my patience are wearing thin now" she whispered to herself, her feet turned into tentacles reaching out grabbing Armin from behind covering his mouth to conceal his screams as he struggled to squirm out of her grim. The only sound coming from him were muffled screams his eyes were clenched shut.
"Don't be so upset sweetie it won't be so bad I promise" she said in a sweet tender voice lifting his chin with a finger.
"Hey you crazy bitch you better let him go before I kill you!"
Krista looked in the corner of her eye to see Eren holding a big rock with a angry look on his face, she noticed him gripping the rock very tightly to the point his hand started bleeding also she couldn't help but notice the anger that filled the boys deep green colored eyes that were filled with anger.
"Oh you must be his friend well if your going to be a problem then I'll just have to get rid of you!" She screamed the color of her eyes changing into a darker shade of blue as a ball of magic formed at the Palm of her head aiming it straight at Eren.
Armin bit into her tentacle as hard as he could making it bleed releasing his mouth making her screaming out in pain. He banged his head against hers succeeding in his hopes of her dropping him ignoring his dizziness running to his friend.
"You little brat I'll put you in your place!" She screamed reaching for him, Eren didn't waste any time throwing the rock at her. Hitting her in the face knocking her over.
"Is that the girl you were talking about?!" Eren asked taking Armins hand and ran as fast as he could.
"No she wouldn't be trying to kill us! Wait I hope not"

A disturbing giggle came out of Kirsta as she struggled to get up holding her feeling a thick wetness that appeared to be blood that made her anger incense by a number that was to high to be ever have excited. "ILL KILL YOU!" She screamed grabbing Eren with her tentacle and throwing him against a tree as hard as she could knocking him unconscious.
"Eren!" Armin screamed running to his hurt friend hugging him tightly but then was pulled away. "Let me go!" He screamed struggling until the tentacle began squeezing him.
"Your going to be a good little boy and behave yourself!" She screamed in his face glaring at the shell that hung from around his neck along with sting. She yanked it off and as hard as she gripped onto it tightly.
"Wait what are you doing stop!" The boy begged doing everything he could to grab the shell failing miserably.
Krista only laughed at his failed attempts as she held it by the string dangling it in front of his face teasing the crying boy."What is this what you want? Well to bad" she said gripping the small shell until it shattered in her small yet strong hand watching as the pieces fell onto the wet ground and looked at the horror that filled Armins face that she couldn't help but feel was absolutely priceless.

(Omg I'm so sorry It took me so long I really only had time to do this on Friday and I just finished it and edited it school makes things so hard maybe I'll start chapter 16 tomorrow I love you guys and thank you so much for reading my stories I appreciate it so much and it makes me so happy to have you guys read it. Your all the reason I keep writing this story. ^_^

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