Chapter 17

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Chapter 17

Armin didn't even take a moment to think he shook his head looking away from her." No I don't want her to die I don't see any reason for it,sure I can't fall in love with a girl other then her but it's not worth killing her over honestly it's more convenient to know this,now I know I'm not gay because for a while I've been questioning it"
Krista sighed shaking her head.

"Fine then I'll just do it myself" before Armin could say anything to argue she blew a blue powder in his face, he sneezed a few times. His eyes began to feel heavy with every passing Minute, his head drifting to the side struggling to fight his sleepiness only to the battle against his sudden urge to close his eyes and sleep until he was completely passed out.
Krista smiled deceivingly holding the sleeping boys face in her hands kissing his nose gently,she glanced over at Eren glaring at him one last time before leaving.
She was fed up with playing games, it's time she finally took action. Its like killing two birds with one stone she thought to herself with a grin."I guess it's time to pay our friend Annie a visit" Krista giggled to herself as she formed a water bubble making them disappear as it popped.

For the first time in a long time Annie felt herself panicking she didn't know what to do or where to go to even start looking for him to even see if he's ok or not.
She couldn't feel anything from the shell."damn it the bitch broke it!" She screamed at no one and punched the ground gritting her teeth." If you harm one hair on his head,I'm going to fucking kill you!"
"I was planning no such thing!"
Annie's eyes glared behind her looking at Krista in disgust, just looking at her alone made her blood boil.her eyes scanned from the giggling girl over to Armin unconscious body her eyes widen. "What did you do to him?"
"Don't get so fussy I didn't kill him again i just made him sleepy" she said sweetly lifting Armins limp face with one hand leaving a small kiss on his lips." Oh what's wrong Annie, you aren't jealous are you?" she teased stealing another kiss from the boy.
"Stop it! Get your hands off him!" She screamed,her anger flaring inside of her ready to explode. "I'm going to fucking kill you!" She screamed lunging at her filled with adrenaline running through her body, she jumped up as high as she could kicking her in the face causing blood to trickle down her face. Krista tapped her finger in the river of running down her face, her eyes went from the blood on her finger to Annie in pure anger.
Annie was trained in a different way than that of Krista, in fact Annie had the advantage when it comes to fighting. Krista knew this but still decided to fight back, landing a swift punch to Annie's face, Annie might've been strong but krista had her in speed. Annie wiped the blood from her face, "You think you have the advantage in speed don't you?!" Annie decided she needed to take a chance if there was any chances of beating her, she jumped into the Ocean. Her legs turned from human legs back to her deep blue scaly tail swimming in many different directions contemplating on her next move.

Krista had to think for a moment, but in the end she knew Annie was the faster one in water. Krista moved into the water, she wanted to try something different. The idea was untested and maybe even flawed but krista knew she had to take the risk. Krista lifted up her tentacle that was holding Armin up high before she cooled the temperature of the water to near freezing, but didn't do it completely. She thought to herself, "if I cool the water, she shouldn't move as fast, by cooling the water it should slow her down". Annie began to try to swim out of distance, "W-What are you doing?!", Annie looked terrified. Krista glared at Annie, "If your body stops moving then it should make it easy for me to strike the final blow, right?!" Krista smirked like a sadic. Annie tried to swim away from the coldness but she wasn't fast enough,getting caught up in the coldness her body began to freeze up. Krista reached out with that one of her other tentacles grabbing limp body pulling her out of the water until she was being dragged onto the beach. Lifting up her limb body she slammed it into the ground earning a screech of pain that was becoming muffled as krista tentacle started to squeeze her like a anaconda, she gritted her teeth in pain attempting to escape her deadly grip.
Krista bursted out laughing like a maniac,"look at you,your pathetic! You really thought your little tricks would work?" She asked in a mocking yet amused tone as she watch her victim squirm like the little insect that she thought she was. "This is almost to easy" she teased with a innocent giggle.
Annie gripped onto the sand, her eyes looked to Armin weakly she didn't know what to do, she never felt so powerless since her father died she just wanted to protect him...... Why did Krista have to take away everyone she cares about she didn't have much. Armin was the only thing she ever cared about in the longest time.
"I'm sorry Armin" Annie said weakly no matter how much she struggled nothing worked it only made her breathing much more difficult it felt as if her bones are being crushed slowly well maybe they were she didn't know nor did she really care she felt like she failed Armin she wanted nothing more to protect him, but she wanted to be selfish and be able to talk to near him and be able to see that beautiful smile that she was so in love up close and personal.
Armins eyes slowly fluttered open, looking around in a daze without the slightest clue on what was going on until Annie's painful scream caught his attention.
"......Annie?" His voice was in a small whisper slowly waking up until hearing Annie scream again but much longer made his eyes open wide frantically looking around for the source of noise until he saw Annie on the ground in pain. "Annie!, Krista stop it your hurting her!" He begged as his eyes started to water from the horrible site.
" oh honey why did you have to wake up?, don't worry I won't take long let me just finish this and-" Krista let out a loud gasp of pain, slowly she looked down with wide eyes staring at the metal that was stabbed through her body. The small girl had a coughing fit blood dripping down her face. Her grip on the two weaken as she slowly passed out onto the ground slowly dying by the hands of king Erwin pulling his sword out of the wicked girl with a stern look on his face before running over to Armin hugging him tightly in his arms.
"Armin are you ok?! Are you hurt at all?!" The worried father asked his crying son, he wasn't crying from any pain he was worried sick about Annie his eyes not leaving her.
"I-I'm fine but I don't know about her" he said covering his mouth running over to her trying to pull her out of the limb tentacle that wrapped around her body, Erwin followed him helping him pull her out without hurting the girl. He looked at Annie in surprised when he saw the mermaid tail but didn't question it while he watched his son wrap the girl in his arms gently shaking her trying to wake her up.
The rain droplets soon became less heavy until there was nothing left but a wet beach and the smell of wet sand.
Annie's eyes were half open almost going into shock from all the pain she was in, she looked up at Armin surprised to him look so worried. "Oh shit hey.....what's wrong why do you look so upset?" She asked confused to why he would be worried about her she really expected him to hate her. But he didn't hate her but at the same time he wasn't sure if he loved her because he would always wonder if those feelings were ever real.

(Hey guys I'm sorry it took so long I don't know why but I was having a really hard time with this by the way I let my work with me on this chapter so I would like to give some credit to my friend Marcus helping me with this chapter by the way I'm sorry to say but this story is ending soon maybe next chapter or the next two chapters will be when this story sadly ends, don't worry I'll keep writing after this story is over but I'm going to need a break from writing because it kind of takes a lot of me. I'll work on my new story a little at a time then start posting but it's probably going to be a few weeks or maybe a Month of a break thank you guys so much for reading my story)

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