Runaway Baby

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(All outfits shown in cover)

3rd person POV
"You know the song 'Runaway baby'?"
"I do why?"
"I know a girl that's transferring to your school, if you haven't heard that song in a while, I suggest you listen to it."
"Is this some sort of trick Oikawa?"
"No Osamu I wouldn't lie to you, especially about this."

Oikawa took a large gulp of water while Osamu stared at him with a perplexed expression.
They had just finished a practice game against one another, Inarizaki had won barley in a 32-30 score.

"Why would she be such a problem?"
Osamu questioned finally after wiping his face with a towel and Atsumu made his way over.

"She's perfect, thats the problem."

Atsumu looked even more confused than Osamu by now since he had just walked into the seemingly tense conversation.
"How is that a problem? I'd like to see whoever this 'perfect' girl is."
Atsumu smirked happily before Oikawa gave him a very serious death glare.

"She's going to hurt you both, seriously stay away from her."
Neither of the twins had seen Oikawa so serious in the past, before he would just joke around and talk about fangirls with them.
Now it seemed he was giving an actual warning.

"What's so bad about her being perfect? If she is then wouldn't she ya know, be perfect?"

Atsumu still had his usual air of cockiness to him as he spoke with the setter.

"I'll tell you what will happen, she'll come in and be perfect for every guy and girl in your school. Then everyone including your team will start to fight over her. It's not going to end well for anyone involved."
Oikawa huffed in frustration as Iwaizumi yelled for him to get over to the bus so they could leave.

"I'm telling you stay away."

Was his final words to the twins as he waved behind himself and jogged over to Iwaizumi.

"I've never seen that guy so actually concerned."
Atsumu said scratching the back of his head and looking at his silver haired counter part.

"You think we should actually stay away from her? He didn't give her a name either, you don't think this is a little weird?"
"It's definitely weird but if he's talking about the 'perfect' girl why should we be afraid?"
"Not sure, maybe just don't go hitting on her as soon as you see her."

Osamu teased before Atsumu started chasing him around the gym yelling various profanities.

"Would you two knock it off?"

Kita rolled his eyes before tripping the pair and watching them both writhe in pain for a few moments.
"Ow you didn't need to trip us Kita!"
Atsumu whined while he rubbed his head.
"Says you! I broke your fall!"
Osamu complained back as he shoved Atsumu off him causing him to hit his head once again.

"Say Kita, did you hear about a new girl too?"
The blonde twin asked finally getting his composure back and after smacking his brother upside the head one more time, for good measure of course.

"New girl? No I haven't. Is that what Oikawa was talking with you about?"
Both the twins nodded which creeped Kita out slightly at how connected the two actually were.

"She's apparently starting tomorrow, he said to avoid her."
"Why avoid her? She's new, she'll need friends."
Kita questioned with a tilt of his head and a thumb rubbing his chin in confusion.

"He says she's basically 'too perfect' and the whole team will fall apart."
Kita just chuckled, the twins both joined him eventually since the claims sounded so abnormal it was hard to believe.

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