Mortal Kombat

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(Y/n) POV
"I didn't think you were actually so good at spiking."

Astumu praised while we walked to the 8 eleven that was pretty close to my house.

"I don't play often, but spiking is fun. I'm sure Osamu can attest to that."

"It is fun I will say that."

He chimed in since he was walking behind me with his brother.
They were walking behind me since I was still in heels which meant I couldn't walk as fast.
Plus they're both much taller so they could easily beat me in a speed competition.

"So are we able to call you Angel now?"
Astumu purred as we made it to the 8 eleven and we all walked in.

"I'm sure Oikawa is going to be mad regardless so sure if you want to."

They both smiled to each other which caused me to smile softly seeing them both so happy.
I grabbed the ice cream I wanted while they grabbed some for themselves, they paid and we started our walk to my house.

"Are your parents ever home?"

Osamu asked as we entered and the house was completely dark once again.

"They're in america till the end of the year, they just know I hate talking to people. So they let me stay here, on the condition that I switched schools to Inarizaki."

I explained while I walked into the kitchen to get a glass of water.

"You guys want anything?"

I poked by head out from the kitchen and saw both of them relaxing on the couch now.
Astumu was also fumbling with the Xbox controller which was cute to see.

"I'm good."

Osamu said as he grabbed the controller from Astumu and turned it on properly.

"I'm fine thank you Angel."

Man that sounded weird coming from them.

Astumu said as he glared at his brother but then soon smiled over at me.
I finished getting my water and walked back over to the couch where I found them both arguing over who can play games first.

"I want to play!"

"I had to turn on the console for you!"

"Yea but that I saw it first."

Rolling my eyes I set my glass down and grabbed the controller from their clutches.

"How about you both play Mortal Kombat? Then you can beat the crap out of each other and not get hurt."
They both nodded in defeat while they glared daggers into each other.

The game loaded as I grabbed another controller and handed one to each twin.
They both immediately started button mashing once they had selected their characters and a stage.

Astumu was Scorpion and Osamu was Sub-Zero which made sense in all honesty.
Not that either one of them was a deadly assassin but the fact that they were pretty opposite of each other.

"Take that!"

Astumu yelled while he tried to finish Osamu off with a fatality, unfortunately for him Osamu ducked.


hows your
date with the twins going?

it's not a date
they lost the bet so ¯\_()_/¯

well you're going to need to pick
one eventually if you want to date them

can I recommend Osamu?
He's a lot more mature if ya know
what I mean ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Jesus Christ _
they're both currently screaming
at Mortal Kombat so I don't think
that is applicable

sounds about right
you decided yet?

it's been literally 2 minutes-_-

come on it shouldn't be hard

Astumu broke me from my phone when he yelled clearly getting beat by Osamu.

"You guys are both babies."

"Are not!"

Astumu pouted while he continued to mash buttons.
"You see this is pretty normal (y/n), he's literally 5 years old when we're on the court."

"Am not!!"

Osamu laughed slightly while he kept beating Astumu at the game rather effortlessly.

yea I think I know which one

please tell me it's Osamu


remind me next time I see you
to have Iwa smack you upside the
head for once-_-

he wouldn't do that^-^

I hate it when you're right

Astumu yelled once again when he got a brutality on Osamu with leather face, which I had to say was incredibly brutal.

"Astumu you just beat someone's head in with a mallet, I'm starting to think you might be a serial killer."
I giggled watching him roll his eyes playfully at me while Osamu just laughed with me.

"I told you age 5."
Osamu said through his laughter before Astumu hit his arm and caused a wrestling match on the couch.

"Don't hit me!"

"You're just mad I won!"

"I beat you 3/5 times!"

Sighing to myself I put my phone down and tried to pull Osamu off of Astumu.

"Come on, before one of you actually gets hurt."
I finally managed to pull the grey haired twin off his counterpart, this then resulting in all of us laughing together.

"Thank you Angel, I was sure he was going to strangle me."

Astumu purred as he sat up and Osamu shoved him one more time, for good measure.

"You too should sleep, tomorrow's Friday at least so you both have the weekend to kill each other- preferably not in my house."
I giggled before I felt Astumu tug me down on top of him so I was sitting on his lap.

"You think Oikawa would allow you to stay with us for the night? I thought he was so protective he would never leave you alone with us."

He whispered into my ear as I blushed red at his words, his breath was hot on my neck and he seemed to press a light kiss there as he finished.

"Not in front of me Astumu, I don't need to see that."
Osamu said chuckling to himself, he surprisingly didn't seem mad at all.

"Like you don't brother you're just jealous I'm not you."
Astumu taunted while he pulled me closer by my waist so I was pressed against his chest.

"Maybe but it seems she doesn't mind it."
I didn't think I could get more red at this moment in time, but I definitely spoke too soon as Osamu said that.

"I-uh you two still need to sleep. I'll go upstairs so you guys can sleep down here or something."

I tried to pull away from Astumu but it was a halfhearted attempt anyways plus he gripped me tighter.

"Give me a kiss at least."

Astumu said while he pressed a kiss against my neck again.


I giggled before kissing him on the cheek and he finally let me go, I walked over to Osamu and kissed his cheek as well.

"Night both of you."

They said unison.


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