Earned it

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(Y/n) POV

"Oh definitely."

I smirked as I joined the Seijoh guys on the court, the twins and the rest of Inarizaki backed up with smug expressions.
Backing up to the line I waited for Iwaizumi to send a pass to Oikawa who then set the ball for me.

Almost as fast as Kageyama's sets, I sprinted up to the net and slammed the ball straight down on the other side of the net.

"Another, that was to slow Oikawa come on I'm not that rusty!"
I taunted seeing him smirk at me before sending me another, faster set than last time.

Slamming it down once again straight down on the court, I smirked to myself.
The Inarizaki guys and the coach were all stunned as I came down from my jump.

"Nice Job Angel."

Iwaizumi said rubbing my head while Oikawa looked back at the twins, who were both just stunned.

"I told you I have that nickname for a reason."

I purred looking at the twins who looked even more fired up now, along with the rest of the team.

The whistle blew and the game was on.

I was up front as a middle blocker first with Iwaizumi and Kunimi next to me, Oikawa was serving.

"Win this for me!"

Quickly I said back to Oikawa who nodded before throwing the ball up and serving.
It was faster than before so it took too long for the Inarizaki guys to react.

"Don't you guys want me to do your homework? I thought you were going to win~"
This seemed to irk them both since they both nodded at each other and looked at me with grins.

"We'll win Angel."

Astumu purred while Osamu just kept to himself but they both looked ready.


The game had gone on for a set already and it was almost over with us winning 24-20.

"Oikawa one more, prove you're the best setter and server!"
Oikawa smiled again my encouragement while he jumped up and practically spiked the ball directly on to their court.

The room as silent for a moment.


Iwaizumi grabbed me along with the rest of the team and hugged me tightly with praises being sung my way.

"I missed playing with you (y/n)! No one else can hit those sets!"
Oikawa chuckled as everyone finally let me go since I obviously needed air.

"Not gonna lie, I missed it too."
Smiling sweetly at all of them their hearts seemed to melt as they 'awe'd looking at me.

"Hang on."

"Osamu, Atsumu?! Don't you have something to say to everyone?"

They both perked up from the team who was clearly annoyed about not winning but it wasn't too big of a deal since it was a practice game.
They both grumbled something to each other before walking over to me.

"I'll still help you with homework, but I believe you lost fair and square."

"Fine You're the best player."

Osamu said a lot more willingly than Astumu who was slightly pouting to himself.

"Yea I guess you're the best player."

Astumu grumbled again, he didn't seem to mad about having to say that though.

"Thank you."

I giggled before hugging each of them which seemingly caught both of them off guard.

"What? I can't hug people anymore?"
"N-no its fine!"

Astumu said wrapping his arms around my waist and pulling me closer.
This seemed to piss of Oikawa since I could feel his brooding aura behind me.

"Alright that's enough, Angel has to shower now."

Oikawa said clearly trying to get me off Astumu as quickly as possible.
I let go of him and he had a very apparent blush on his cheeks along with a smirk.

"Well these two owe me ice cream so I guess I can go shower, Oikawa they aren't going to hurt me."

I giggled seeing him roll his eyes and push me towards the locker room.


3rd person POV

"So she hasn't dated you yet?"

Astumu asked Oikawa as most of the teams dispersed into the locker rooms or out of the gym.

"Nope, she's the only girl I've ever had that doesn't want to."

Oikawa shrugged while Iwaizumi rolled his eyes, but didn't smack him for once since he kinda knew it was true.
Both of the twins sighed to themselves looking at the best friends.

"And you aren't going to parent the hell out of her if she dates someone?"
Astumu asked Oikawa again which earned him a chuckle from the overly protective best friend.

"You guys are going to try arent you? I can't stop you, but I wasn't lying when I said she'll hurt you both."

Oikawa kept a smug expression on his face while the twins looked at him with a confused look.
They looked to Iwaizumi next since it seemed Oikawa wasn't going to answer.

"What hes trying to tell you is that if both of you want her, she's going to need to pick. And one of you is ending up with a broken heart."

Iwaizumi explained while both of the twins looked at each other again before Osamu smiled softly.

"She can pick, alls fair in love and war right?"

It was painfully obvious that he was going to try his hardest to beat his brother.
Both of them were incredibly stubborn.

"For once I actually agree with you."

Astumu snickered as (y/n) came out of the locker room with wet hair and the usual dress and heels she wore to school.

"So ice cream? Oikawa looks like he's gonna kill one of you. Then you'll loose your 'double trouble' charm."

(Y/n) purred as she hugged Oikawa and Iwaizumi.
Osamu and Astumu seemed mildly shocked at her words to them but they smirked non the less.

"I'll see you both tomorrow, that is if these two don't drag me into something."

(Y/n) gesture back to the twins and Oikawa and Iwaizumi just laughed seeing her giggle.

"See you then Angel."

Iwaizumi said ruffling her hair one more time before he left the gym.

"You tell me if these two do anything, I'll see you tomorrow."

Oikawa purred as he hugged (y/n), she wrapped her arms around his neck and squeezed him tight before he let go- obeying a very grumpy Iwaizumi.

"Can we go now or are you two still shell shocked seeing that I actually have friends?"


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