Chapter:2-Im sorry

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Not my art/



*while monika is talking with the principal lets see the volleyball team boys*

3rd person's pov

When nishinoya saw sayori walking out the school, he quickly remember to tell tanaka about her.

They enter the gym and start practicing.

.                   On their break


"ryuu!! I have found a cute girl!" noya said. "really?!? Whats her name?!" tanaka asked excitingly. "her name is-" noya said but he got hit by ennoshita. (nice kill) . "hey what was that for!?!" noya and tanaka said in unison. "because you might harass the girl" ennoshita said.

{|The next day|}

Monika's pov

All of us went to school, and talk about things. "hey monika! What did the principal said!?" sayori asked. "the principal said that we will have our own room for our club!" I said. "really!!" sayori said. "yep!" I said. "yuri! Dont read your book while walking!!" natsuki scolded yuri. "b-but im already in the best part" yuri pouted.

We all laugh cuz it was really funny when yuri pouted. "natsuki has a point yuri its really dangerous when your not aware on your surroundings" I said. "I guess your right.." yuri said while adding a sad smile. "dont be sad yuri! You can read it on your free time!" sayori said to reassured yuri. "thanks sayori" yuri said thanking sayori. "see you guys later!" sayori said while heading to her classroom. "bye!" we said and go to our classroom.

Mc's pov

Im still waiting for sayori to come.. 'will this happen again like last time' I tought. "hey mc!" noya said. 'I dont even know how did I became friends with this guy, hes so energetic..' I tought. "yes?" I said. "have you joined a club yet? I havent seen you go to your club!?" noya asked confused. "ahh.. About that.. I just joined yesterday" I said while scratching my back. "really!? What club did you joined?" noya asked again. "I joined at the literature club" I said. "ehh! Never heard that before.." noya said. "its because sayori's friend made a new club! And she made me join at their club" I explained. "eh! How many girls are there!?!" he asked again. "theres five of us, but im the only boy on their club" I said. "*gasp* lucky.." noya muttered but I heard it.

{|After school|}

Nastsuki's pov

'Geez the class was soo annoying especially the raven hair and the ginger hair' I tought. 'but the tangerine kinda look so kawaii~!' I tought again. "excuse me!" Someone said. I turned around to see a yellow haired girl.

"Hi! M-my name is yachi" she stuttered. 'she must be scared that I might hate her..' I tought. "hello there my name is natsuki!" I said. "do you need something?" I asked. "not really.. But would you like to be friends with me?" yachi said. "sure!" I said. "really?! An average person like me?" yachi said. " yep! Cuz you dont act like a meanie one" I said. "o-oh okay!" she said. "do you want to have lunch with me and my friends tomorrow!?" I asked. "s-sure!" she said. 'wow.. She is so shy..' I tought.

"oh! I have to go to my club" she said. "what club are you?" I asked. "Im the team's manager in the boys volleyball team" she said. "eh! Is it scary there?!." I said nervously. "well.. Some of them but all of them are nice!" she said. "I think you should go now they might be worried about you!" I said. (im sorry if natsuki is out of character). "r-right! I have to go! Bye natsuki-chan!" she said running away. "b-bye!" I waved to her until shes gone.

'welp.. Gotta go to my club now' I tought. 'wait I forgot to ask monika where?!' I tought again. *sigh* I gotta text her.

Monika! You havent told us where the club room is?!

Oops.. Srry I forgot to tell you
Its in the 3rd years floor, I'll meet you there

Hmph! Fine I'll go there, but you owe me a cupcake

Fine I'll give you one

Yachi's pov

'Oh no Im gonna be late!' I tought. I go to the gym and walk to kiyoko. "srry Im late!" I yelled but only for kiyoko to hear. "its okay yachi they are still doing warm-ups" kiyoko said. "oh okay!" I said then taking out my notepad and ballpen. "did something happen?" kiyoko asked. "what do you mean?" I asked. "you never been late before so I guess something happen?" Kiyoko said. "ahh.. Yes! I made a new friend!" I said. "thats good" she said. Then we observed them and give water bottles.

Yuri's pov

All of us are in the room. "hi everyone!" sayori said. "hello sayori" I said.

(im sorry if its short for yuri's pov.. Because I dont know what to add at her pov)

Monika's pov

We began to discussed what we are gonna do for the next festival which is 'halloween'. After that we just do whatever we want, I went to mc and. "mc can we talk in private" I said. "uhh.. Sure monika" he said. We got to the corner of the room. "is it about the incident?" he asked. "yes.. Look im sorry-" I said but I got cutted by mc. "dont be sorry, I already forgive you, cuz I know that you just want a choice for me to be with you" he said. "really?! You'll forgive me?" I asked again to just make sure. "of course you are my friend too" he said with a warming smile. " thank you mc.." I said while giving him a smile.

"ok guys how about we make poems everyday since we still have more time in preparing" I said to everyone. "sounds fun!!" sayori said. "Im in!" natsuki said. "okay then! Lets go home so we can do our homework,poems, or for the festival" I said then we packed our thins and go home.


Author's pov

Im sorry if theres a wrong grammar, wrong spelling, or mistakes

Slimelover out~

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