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Why. Just why. It's flat, everywhere! Like seriously, who thought Saskatchewan was a good name?? 'Oh! LoOkIe HeRe! WhAt A fLaT pLaCe! LeTs CaLl iT SaSkAtChEwAn!' Like the spelling! Like at least Manitoba has trees. Saskatchewan is just cities and grass. And the outhouses! Do they not get cleaned?!

And poor Alberta shares a city with them! Also, why give it such a hard name?! Why is it even part of Canada?! It should be it's own fucking country! Does it serve a purpose?? If so, what the fuck is it?? Being the worst province?

It's stupid! It has a city names Regina. Pronounced like vagina pretty much. What the fuck?! And Saskatoon. Isn't that like a fruit or something?! At least we have trees! We even have them in the city. Like down town. Like holy shit that province sucks ass!

Who looks at it and decides 'iM gOiNg To LiVe ThErE!' No one! Unless they want a boring ass life.

I'll probably add more to this later. It's so fucking boring I don't know what to rant about. Boring ass province

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