3^ As Close As Humanly Possible

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Nines comes out of sleep mode regretfully. He can't help but stare at Gavin's peaceful face as he sleeps. Nines has a sudden urge to just kiss Gavin, but he can't.
     Or, can he?
     Nines leans down and presses his lips to Gavin's forehead, pulling back with a soft sigh.
     Gavin snuggles closer to Nines, and Nines groans inwardly. That's... not what I wanted, he thinks.
     Nines knows he can't just stay here. As soon as Gavin wakes up, he'll be pissed to find himself sleeping with an Android. So, Nines gently wiggles his way out of Gavin's grasp, carefully maneuvering his way out of Gavin's arms. It's easier than Nines thought it would be.
Nines gets his clothes back on, adjusting his collar when Gavin groans softly. Nines approaches the prickly man and leans down, placing another kiss on his forehead. "Get some more sleep, Gavin," he breathes. "I love you. I'll see you at work."
Nines straightens and leaves the room, making sure to shut Gavin's door behind him as he makes his way to work.

Gavin enters the precinct, immediately searching for Nines. As soon as he sees the Android lingering by his desk, he stomps over to him, cutting a clear path through the space. "Where the hell did you go, last night?" Gavin snaps, pushing Nines so the Android faces him.
"What do you mean? I was with you, all night!" Nines defends himself.
"Then, why did you leave early?" Gavin wraps his arms around himself, feeling like a child for this.
"Because, I knew that you'd be pissed to find out that you slept with an Android, last night. So, I left before you woke up, and I came here. I've only been here for an hour."
Gavin looks away. "I just- I've hooked up with people so many times, Nines. I know, last night wasn't a hookup, but, when I woke up to see you gone, it felt like it. They're always gone in the morning. I just... I had hoped that you would've stayed. I wanted you to stay for a reason!" Gavin snaps, sighing as he lets his arms drop. "I'm sorry... I'm just tired. I need coffee..." Gavin mumbles.
Nines smiles. "You sit here, Detective. I'll go get your coffee."
     Gavin watches Nines walk away. He can't keep his eyes off of the Android. Gavin's eyes trail down to Nines' swaying hips. Damn... Nines does have a nice butt...
     Gavin quickly snaps himself out of his dirty thoughts, flushing as he looks away. "I'm such a pervert," he mutters.
     Nines knows that Gavin has his eyes on him. He can feel Gavin's gaze on him. But, he'll let Gavin stare. He likes it. He likes knowing that he has Gavin's attention. He likes it when Gavin's eyes are on him.
Nines fixes Gavin a cup of coffee, but something nags him about it. He grabs a nearby marker and draws a heart on it. Nines smiles softly. "Perfect," he whispers, bringing the cup back to Gavin. "Your coffee, Detective."
Gavin takes the cup, staring into Nines' eyes. His stomach twists at the heavy eye contact.
Nines finds himself leaning over the desk to get closer to Gavin, drawn in by some unseen force. It's this thing he doesn't know how to explain. "Gavin," he breathes, inching closer.
Gavin holds his cup with both hands. The eye contact that he maintains with Nines generates this strong, sexual energy that excites Gavin beyond comprehension. The way Nines looks at him, the way he blinks at him, like Gavin is the only thing in the world, makes him feel something.
Nines inches forward, and Gavin knows what the Android wants to do. Nines wants to kiss Gavin. Right here. Right now. And, Gavin panics, pressing his hand over Nines' mouth.
"Mmm?" Nines hums, questioning Gavin.
"N-Not... here," Gavin mumbles, pushing Nines away.
Nines sits on Gavin's desk. "Then where?"
Gavin shakes his head. "I-I can't... I don't know," he says, sipping on his coffee. He looks down at the cup, noticing the heart that Nines drew. "Nines... do you like me?"
"Was I not being obvious enough?" he asks, dripping sarcasm.
Gavin glares up at him. "Asshole. Is that a yes or a no?"
     "That'd be a yes, Detective Reed."
     Gavin looks away. He knows that. He knows that Nines likes him, but Gavin can't like him back. He's an Android. And, Gavin doubts he could ever make an Android happy. He can't make Nines happy.
Gavin decides to return to his work, dismissing these thoughts. "Let's just get to work," he mutters.
Nines knows that Gavin wants to let him in. Gavin's in denial. He knows that. But, Nines doesn't know how to make Gavin realize that he's in denial.
Regardless, he decides to just work on the case and keep quiet.

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