7^ Muted

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Nines enters the interrogation room. He fixes his gaze on the man. "Look at you. You slimy, disgusting, grease beaver," he growls. "You walk around, thinking you can do anything you want, and you end up here. How'd you get caught?"
"Someone called the cops on me," he mutters.
Nines leans on the table. He lifts his hand and projects a picture of Connor. "Do you recognize him?"
The man looks up. "Yeah..."
"You hurt him. He's like my little brother, and no one gets to rough up my little brother," Nines snarls. "You ever touch an Android, again, and I will be hearing about it. I will find you, and I will make you pay." He takes the man by the chin. "You make me sick."
"You, get your hands off of me," he growls.
"You can't tell me what to do." Nines pulls his hand away. "But, I wouldn't want to touch you for more than a few seconds, anyway." He crosses his arms over his chest. "What's your name?"
"What were you thinking when you killed all those Androids, Elias? WHAT WERE YOU THINKING?!" he roars, slamming his hands on the table. His Thirium pump works itself into overdrive, and his breaths are uneven. He's never been so angry in his life.
Nines glares, waiting for a proper explanation. "Why'd you do it? What was going through your mind?"
"All I was thinking about was the feel of Thirium. It's-It's not like blood. It's heavier, thicker. And, my favorite color is blue," he explains. He doesn't look the least bit apologetic.
Nines twists around and punches a hole in the brick wall. He pays no attention to the pain in his hand as he turns his head to stare at Elias. "Go on," he rumbles in a deep voice. He can't attack Elias, no matter how much he wants to make this human suffer. And, boy, does he really want to just smash this guy's head in.
"Android screams are different than human screams. The sound of the static that interrupts them turns me on. And, Androids don't rot. I can sell the parts-"
"Stop! Stop!" Nines pleads, squeezing his eyes shut. He can't stop thinking about how he could've ended up like Elias. He could've ended up living a life of murdering his own people.
"Hey, look at me."
Nines turns around. "What do you..." He watches as Elias transforms before his eyes. The man becomes a monster, a tangle of throbbing tentacles. They hide two, glowing, red eyes. He doesn't even look human. No, he's not human, at all. There's no way this thing is human.
Nines presses himself against the wall as he opens his mouth in a silent scream. The thing darts forward and grabs him, choking him. He can't breathe. Nines struggles, but he can't breathe.
Then, Gavin's there, and it's over. It's gone. "Nines? Nines! What happened!?"
But, Nines can't speak. He can't say a word. He wants to tell Gavin that this person is a monster, but he can't. He can't speak.
"Nines? C'mon, Nines," he murmurs. What the hell happened?" All Gavin saw was Nines turn around, and he just freaked out. Now, he won't speak. His LED is permanently red, and he doesn't respond to anything Gavin says or does. "What did you do to him?"
Elias shrugs with a smirk.
Connor steps forward. Gavin watches as he takes a small disk from the back of Elias neck. "What is...?"
Nines screams as he throws his hands in front of his face. He doesn't say anything. He just shivers and covers his ears with his hands.
Gavin reaches out and takes Nines' hand.
Nines doesn't budge.
"What's wrong with him?" Gavin asks Connor.
Connor studies the disk. "It appears that this disk has... somehow, connected to him?" He fixes his gaze on Elias. "What did you do?"
Elias smirks. "I gave him a nightmare. He'll never be the same. You should get out, while you still can."
Connor's eyes widen. "Get out, Gavin!" he shouts as he grabs Nines. He forces the Android through the door.
"He will never forget this! HE'LL NEVER BE THE SAME!!" Elias screams.
Connor closes the door.
For a second, Gavin doesn't know why Connor's in such a rush to get them out of the room.
     Then, the interrogation room explodes. Or, more accurately, Elias explodes.
     Gavin gapes at it. He doesn't even know what to say or do. No one seems to know what to say or do.
     Then, Nines collapses. He just falls over and hits the floor with a dull thud.
     "Nines!" Gavin panics. He falls to his knees and shakes his lover. "Nines! NINES!" he cries.
     Connor drags him back. "Gavin, Nines will be fine! He just-"
     Gavin slaps his hand across Connor's face.
     Hank bristles as he cuts in. "Don't you touch Connor, like that!" he snaps as he drags Gavin away from Nines.
     "No! Wh-Why are you taking me away from him?!" Gavin shouts. Tears come to his eyes as he claws his way over to Nines' still body.
     "Listen to me, Gavin," Connor murmurs. Why is he trying to calm Gavin? Gavin fixes his confused gaze on him.
     "Nines is in an intense state of shock. He's just in standby mode. Don't worry," Connor continues. He takes Gavin by the hands. "I understand how it must feel to see someone close to you collapse like that, but he's ok. I promise, he's just fine, Gavin."
     Gavin stares up at him before nodding slowly. "O-Ok..."
     "You need to let him rest."
     "Rest?" Gavin peeks behind Connor to see his motionless body.
     "The paramedics are on their way."
"Why are you doing this?" Gavin asks, dumbfounded.
"Because, I don't like seeing people in pain. And, I care about Nines," Connor explains. He glances away as he lets go of Gavin's hands.
All at once, people are streaming into the room, and they're taking Nines away. Gavin stands, panicking as he screams for them to let him go. Connor and Hank hold him back.
When Nines is gone, Gavin feels like he's being torn apart. He falls back to the floor as he cries. He can only hope that Nines is truly as ok as Connor says he is. He can only hope that Nines will be ok.

✔️Becoming Human, Like You (Reed900)Where stories live. Discover now