Friend or Foe

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Classic had felt overwhelmed being alone in the halls. Even though numerous students gathered around the rooms and lockers, Classic found his eyes glued to the floor. He feared looking up and seeing the horrors before him. The monsters that lurked around and tortured him on the daily. Everything had been laced in darkness for years. It all happened after his accident.

He had moved slowly, unaware of exactly where he was going. Whispers engulfed his hearing as his mind grew fuzzy. A headache had begun to grow in the depths of his mind. The voices continued to grow louder. The words were harsh, unforgiving. He felt tears gather in his eyes as he found himself a corner. He crouched low as his hands gripped his skull heavily. The chains resting around his wrists jingled as he twitched slightly, pain rocketing around his body. Every inch of him shook from fear as he clenched his sockets shut only to snap them open as a hand pressed firmly to his shoulder.

"You okay bud?" There was a long silence as Classic felt himself calm down. His breathing returned to normal while his body stopped shaking. Standing, he slowly turned toward the stranger. He remained with his hood up, refusing to make eye contact. Fear still dyed his expression as he forced a smile. 

The stranger gave a confused look before a smile flashed over their expression. They examined the skeleton before them, curiosity engulfing them. Classic noticed their eyes as they shifted between shapes and colors. 

"You new here?" The question drew Classic's attention as he nodded, his back leaning against the lockers. He turned away from the stranger as the energetic skeleton continued speaking.

"Oh, cool! We haven't had anyone new in years honestly. Name's Ink, thought you should know. Mind telling me yours?" Classic remained silent as he hesitated to speak. It had been so long since he last spoke. His own voice was a mystery to himself. 

"Um... Call me Classic." The words came out broken in places. He felt himself sink down slightly as fear hit him once more. His shoulders shook as tears again rose to his eyes. If not for the gentle hands pulling him close, he would have broken down in the halls. The embrace left Classic speechless as Ink tightened his hold.

"It's okay Classic. Don't be scared, okay? I get this is new, but it gets better. How about I be your first friend in the school!" Classic glanced up slightly as he pulled away from the hug. His mouth quivered as he fought sadness. The term 'friendship' once meant something to him. He had trusted someone and had been betrayed in the end. He feared growing close to people. Feared the day they turned their backs on him. Yet something about Ink drew him closer. He seemed friendly and caring. Could Classic truly trust someone after so many years of loneliness?

"Um... I... I'd be fine with being a 'friend'." Ink noticed his hesitation on the word, a gentle smile crossing his face. He carefully reached toward Classic, fingers grabbing the hoods edge. The action had caught him off guard, his defense lowered. Once he realized what was happening, it was too late. He glanced at Ink with worry as the skeleton peered at his face. Without thinking he covered his face with his hands and sunk to the floor.

"Don't look at me... I..." His words got cut short as Ink sighed. The taller skeleton crouched down before pulling Classic's hands free from his face. Releasing Classic's hands, he brought his hands to the smaller skeleton's face. A slight color ran along Ink's cheeks as he smiled brightly.

"Don't hide this face of yours! It's wonderful." Classic felt his body relax as shock was displayed over his expression. The look drew a confused look from Ink.

"Most call me ugly... A freak." Ink chuckled as he shook his head.

"Nah. You're a skeleton like most of us, so we won't say those things. Out of all of us, your the cutest!" When the words left Ink he felt himself flush as he turned away, his hand rubbing the back of his neck. Classic observed his actions before a genuine smile rushed to his face. His laughter grew a surprised expression from Ink.

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