Chapter 3

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*phone rings*

Jamie- "Hello?"

Tessa- "Aye can you come pick me up? I'm over on the southside."

Jamie looks over at the clock to see its 8:30am on a Saturday.

Jamie- "Bitch do you know what time it is on a SATURDAY? Hell no I'm about to take my ass back to sleep. Call Monica, she live over there. She probably be able to pick your ass up. Bye!

*hangs up and put the phone down*

Jamie roll over to see that Kay was gone. She immediatelys jumps up and runs downstairs. She look out to see her car is not in the drive way. She walks in the kitchen to see a note on the fridge saying, "Baby I got called into work and I didnt want to wake you.  But I wrote you something..  This moment in time I couldn't be happier, and its all thanks to you baby. My life has been turned upside down because of you and I love it. You make me feel special in every way and Ive never felt this way before, I haven't felt love like this but that's only because youre my one and only true love. You know how to make me smile, laugh, cry but most of all, you know how to make me feel loved. You are the light of my life, my favorite star in the night sky, my favorite everything, my one and only. From the beginning, to the end, I will be yours & that wont change, I'll be by your side through thick and thin, health & illness. My love for you grows & grows, more & more everyday, I promise you that will never change baby.

I love you with all my heart. Have a great day." Jamie looks at it and smiles for a second but then remembers the text from Last night. She puts the note downand walks back upstairs to get back in bed.

*one hour later*

Tessa- "Finally! You got me out here hot than a bitch."

Monica- "Girl, get your Dominican ass in this damn car! Better be happy I even came to get your ass."

Tessa- "Ugh, thank you.  Can we go back to your place? I honestly don't feel like dealing with Diamond today or right now atleast."

Monica- "Yeah sure, Jordan out of town on a business trip to New York. So I got the place to myself and the kids."

Tessa- "How long is he suppose to be in New York? Maybe I can stay with you with you and help with the kids tell he gets back."

Monica- "Sure..  But no funny business! I am sticky dickly."

Tessa- "Yeah yeah yeah, don't worry I am going to be good. Especially around your kids."

*2 hours later*

Diamond- "UGH! Where is she? Why isn't she answering her phone!"

Diamond screams and raves all over her dorm. She's been texting Tessa since she woke. Tessa been ignoring her phone calls and her text messages and its driving Diamond insane. So she decides to text Kay to see where is she and will they still be meeting up tonight. 

Diamond- "Hey, we still on for tonight baby?"

Kay- "Bitch, after what you did last night when I was with my girl... Bitch you just totally disrespectful with your crazy ass. Fuck out my phone. Bye Felicia!"

Diamond looks at her phone in disbelief of what she just read. She sits down for a second and looks at the phone for a minute. She jumps up and decides to head to walk around campus to calm down. 

Meanwhile, at the magazine where Kay works Kay is getting ready to turn in her cover page for the deadline. Its around lunch time so she decides to call Jamie and see if she wants to attent lunch with her

Jamie- "Hey baby, hows working?"

Kay- "Its going I guess, I was wondering could we go to lunch together?"

Jamie- "Nah I can't. I am meeting up with Trey and Michel.  He wants us to meet his new guy he's seeing. Endless you want to join us?"

Kay- "Nah, baby you do your thing. I maybe here a little late tonight.  I really want to make this deadline."

Jamie- "Okay baby, love you boo."

Kay looks at her phone to see the random from last night at the club just texted her.

Kay- "Love you too. Have fun."

*hangs up*

The girl from last night just texted her asking here what she was doing for tonight.

Random- "Hey its Mikya, from the club. What you up to for tonight?"

Kay- "Nothing, probably. I got alot of work to do cutie."

Mikya- "Where you work at? Maybe I could stop by and bring you some dinner."

Kay- "Best Of Atlanta, the magazine and no I'm good. I don't think my girlfriend would like that."

Mikya- "Owe, you have a girlfriend? How long y'all been together?"

Kay- "3 years on and off. But yeah thanks for offering though. I have to Get back to work ma.  Ttyl.

Mikya- "Yeah you honey. Have a nice day."

Kay smiles at the phone like she has done something good by telling her she had a girlfriend. However, what she is over looking is hoes will be hoes no matter what.

*couple minutes later*

Jamie is just getting to the bar where she meeting Trey and her bother Michael.  Michael is suppose to be introducing his boyfriend for 6 months now.

Trey- "Hey girl, you look beautiful like always."

Jamie- "Thank you doll.  You look cute to. So, did you go home with that cute stud last night?"

Trey- "Nope! You know my heart belong to Tessa."

Jamie- "You honestly need help. One do you not remember what happened when yall dated sophomore year in high school? Second, she dating that crazy bitch Diamond. Finally, Tessa is a player. She loves the player life to damn much to leave it. She a Dominican with a yellow/brown skin attitude."

Trey- "What happened sophomore year?" Nothing but a little drama."

Jamie- "I remember me having to keep putting make-up all over u to cover up black eyes and bruises. From Tessa beating the crap out of you, or do not remember all them times you got bitch slapped for no reason?"

Trey was about to defend herself but Michel was just walking in hand and hand with his new guy. He was tall chocolate dark skin, with nice biceps and a very cute smile. Just the type of guy Michael would go for. But what Jamie quickly realized that the guy Michael was seeing was Jordan,  Monica's fiance. Jordan looks at Jamie and looks shocked but he keeps it together and sits down with Michael.  Jamie gets out her phone and texts her bestfriend LuLu.  She tells her about what is happened and she needs to come quick.

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