Chapter 2: HiStory Bytes

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*click* Natalia is now you're friend! Visit her profile at
*click* Opens next e-mail.

"Moto RokR 5? I didn't join this. Looks like a scam! The layout is also sketchy." Moves mail to Spam Folder.

*click* Opens e-mail from Satoshi Nakamoto

E-mail reads:
Hi Luke,
Thank you for signing up for updates. You are one of the first 30 people who responded, my e-mail is sent to random people in case you're wondering how you got this e-mail.  I am expecting to roll out the system by January next year. This peer-to-peer system will use internet currency. I have decided to call it "BYTECASH".
-Satoshi Nakamoto

"Errr...I wonder why I signed up with this 'Mr. Byte coin'. I want to opt out, I'm not interested anymore." Luke said to himself after reading the e-mail.

*click* replying to the e-mail.

Luke's reply:
I just signed up by accident, I want to unsubscribe to your Byte coins... err... cash whatsoever.

*reply sent*

After sending the reply... He quickly logged on to his Friend-Z account and views the profile page of his High School Crush who have just accepted him to be her friend, Natalia.

Natalia's page has a pink background with an embedded music that plays like this...

"...sneak out to the garden to see you, we keep quiet cause we're dead if they knew..."

Luke is blushing while browsing Nathalia's Photos.

~She's definitely a cutie~ Luke said in his mind.

clicks "About Me" tab.
Natalia's profile picture loads...
(A smiling girl with braces wearing a cap, hair is obviously blonde)
Profile Name: Natalia
Member since: May 2005
Profile views: 75,083
Age: 15
Sex: F
Relationship Status: Single
Zodiac Sign: Capricorn
Country: Philippines
Nationality: American
Likes: Softball, Music, Novels, Surfing the Net
Message to Visitors: Be my Friend! Half *Pinay <3
*Filipino slang. for local female, also Filipina.

*click* clicked the "Add a Testimonial" Tab

*tap* *tap* *tap* *tap* writing a testimonial

"Hi, thank you for accepting my request, I always"
Lucas stops writing...

"Want to be your friend" He whispered to himself.
*delete* clears the message.

"(Sigh) She might not notice me anyway..." Signs out of his account and turns off the PC.

The next day...

"ringgggggg!" School bell rings for recess.

While Lucas and Rick are mindlessly talking and walking their way to the cafeteria... 

Lucas bumps to a girl with blonde hair holding a slice of pizza and a cup of cola...

The cola spills over the white uniform of the girl partly exposing her curves...

"Oooooohhhhhhhh" the crowd inside the cafeteria unanimously muttered.

"I didn't mean it, I'm so sorr..." Lucas attempted to apologize.

"Hey watch out, you freak!" She cries out.

The angry girl slapped Lucas' face with the slice of Pizza, and walks out.

"Ohhh man, isn't that Natalia? You're crush." Rick uttered, while watching the girl walk away.

"I know." Lucas mumbles, still shocked. His left cheek is filled with red sauce and some toppings.

"What a bummer!" The old school janitor voices out while mopping the floor.

That evening...

Lucas was lying on his bed getting ready to sleep.

*beep* text message sound.

*tap* (message from Rick)

~Hey man, hav u checked friendbook? Natalia posted sumthin.~

He turns on his PC and logged on to and searched for Natalia's name and saw her post it was in "public".

~This is a very unlucky day for me. I lost my purse on my way home early this morning because a crazy guy in school soaked my clothes in soda, I needed to change my uniform middle of the day. To that crazy guy, GET LOST! Loser!~
(100 shares and 416 comments)

Calls Rick...
"What the hell? Comments here are nasty. I didn't mean it. You know it was an accident right?"

"Yes, but maybe you can call and apologize to her. Here, write down her digits... Zero-Nine-One-Seve...I got it from her friend." Rick responded.

He hangs up, and immediately dials the the number given by Rick.

*ringggg* *ringgg ringggg* *ringgg ringgg* someone picks up the call.

"Hello, Natalia. This is Lucas. Look I'm sorry about what happened earlier I'm a bit clumsy, I hope you can..."

"Oh Hi! Sorry, this is Frank's Diner." The voice replied.

Luke hangs up the phone, irked.

*Beep* Message from Rick
~Hey Luke, I gave the wrong no. here is d correct one 091767xxxxx.~

"Damn'it Rick!" He maffled.
*ding* You have 2 new e-mail notifications.

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