IX - Next In Line

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(Yeji's POV)
Ryujin wiped off all of my cum on my body after she fingered me really hard~

Damn you Ryujin, I can't feel my legs anymore because of you.....

She wiped me up and changed her clothes soon after in front of me

Damn she's so hot~

I still layed down on the bed motionless for a while to catch my breath and get some rest....

"Yeji unnie, get up from the bed already and put your clothes on" She said to me

"Easy for you to say Ryujin, you destroyed the the shit out of my insides" I replied to her

"Let me help you get up" She said before pulled both of my hands

I got up from the bed and my legs feel very weak, I can't stand up properly

"Ryujin, I can't stand up~" I said to her

"Why?" she replied

"My legs are too weak~" I said

"Come on Yeddeong, stand up" she replied before she pulled me up and helped me walk towards my cabinet

She then helped me stay upright as I put on my clothes

"Ryujin, I can't go back down there, I'll stumble down the stairs if I do so" I said to Ryujin

"It's okay Yeddeong, Just get some rest for now" She replied

"Thanks for helping me get up Ryujin" I said and huged her

"I got your back Yeddeong, now get back to bed and get some rest, you'll need to get your strength back later on" she said before she lifted me up and put me down on my bed

Damn, she's so strong~

"Please don't do that again to me Ryujin, I'll faint if did that to me all over again~ " I said

"I'll be more gentle next time Yeddeong, Now rest well" She replied

(Ryujin's POV)
I kissed kissed Yeddeong's forehead before I left the room and closed the door and went downstairs to the kitchen to rehydrate myself from all that interaction

I saw Lia unnie sitting on the table with her phone on her hand

"Lia unnie, where is Yuna and Chaeryeong?" I asked

"They went to the mall just a while ago" She answered

"When will they be back?" I asked

"Probably in a couple hours, why do you ask?" She replied

"I just need to give Chaeryeong her necklace back" I said

"You still have her necklace?" She asked

"It's in my room" I answered

"No wonder why she could not find it" she replied

"She was looking for it a while ago?" I asked

"Yeah, you should've said that you had her necklace the whole time" she answered

"Tell Chaeryeong to get her necklace in my room, I'll take a shower" I said

"No problem" She replied

---Ryujin went to get a glass of water and drink up then she saw Lia scrolling on her instagram and stalking somebody

"Nice guy, what's his name?" Ryujin asked

"H-He's uhm...nobody" Lia replied shyly

"Nah, I won't tell anyone unnie, who is he? he looks fine" Ryujin said

Lia: (o﹏o")

Ryujin: Oh....so you like him don't you? ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

"I Uhm....H-He is j-just...." Lia stuttered as she struggles to explain herself

"I already know unnie, you like that guy don't you?" Ryujin said

(Lia bit her lips and nodded slowly)

"I won't tell anyone unnie, who was that?" Ryujin asked

"I'll say it straight Ryujin, I like Choi Soobin" Lia said before she looked down and showed Ryujin her phone

(Ryujin took her phone from her hand and scrolled through her gallery full of Soobin's pictures)

"Damn, You got good taste in men Lia unnie" Ryujin said

"Stop it Ryujin" Lia replied

"What do you like most about him?" Ryujin asked

"He's hot~ " Lia answered

"Damn unnie, Take it easy!" Ryujin said

"Alright alright, just give me my phone back" Lia replied

"Kiss me first~ " Ryujin whispered

"Not here Ryujin, Yeji unnie might catch us doing weird shit again~ " Lia said

"I already took care of Yeji, she's heavily asleep~ " Ryujin replied

"You did what?!" Lia asked

"You sure you wanna know unnie?" Ryujin replied

Lia: (ó﹏ò)

"You already know it unnie, I don't fear Yeji anymore~ " Ryujin replied

"You are so ruthless Ryujin, I can't believe you can do something like that to Yeji unnie" Lia said

"You already know what I will be be doing soon right unnie?" Ryujin asked

(Lia gulped in nervousness)

"W-What are you going to do soon Ryujin?" Lia asked

Ryujin went close to Lia's ear and whispered:

"You're next Jisu~ "

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