XVI - Good Night

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(Yuna's POV)
I shared a passionate kiss with Chaeryeong unnnie, Our lips colliding with each other makes my body tingle with excitement

---Chaeryeong broke off the kiss as she stepped away and told Yuna to stop

Chaeryeong: "Yuna, we have to stop this" She said

Yuna: "We were just getting started unnie" Yuna replied

Chaeryeong: "This is wrong Yuna-ssi! We can't kiss each other like this!" She whisper screamed to Yuna

Yuna: "Why is that?" She asked

Chaeryeong: "You're freaking sixteen years old!!!" She said and shook Yuna's head

Yuna: "So what? age is just a number unnie" Yuna replied
( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)

Chaeryeong: "What the hell Yuna! who taught you this?!" She asked

Yuna: "I watch a lot of love stories when I'm alone recently and I want to experience what feels like to kiss" She said

Chaeryeong: "Stop that! It's poisoning your head!" Chaeryeong said

Yuna: "Why unnie? Scared?" She asked and smirked

---Chaeryeong wanted to hit Yuna for being very naughty but unfortunately for her, Yuna was able to grab both of her hands and pulled her towards her forcefully

Chaeryeong: "Yuna, Please stop this" She said

---Without any response, Yuna grabbed Chseryeong's neck and pulled her head towards her and smashed her lips into Chaeryeong for another kiss without any hesitation

---The strong collision of their lips distracted Chaeryeong so much that she forgot that the door was open before the two heard a voice behind them on the doorway

"well well well, what do we have here..."
an anonymous person said

---Yuna & Chaeryeong broke off the kiss in shock and turned to see who said that

"Oh my God!" Yuna and Chaeryeong said in shock and fear

"Next time, always leave the door closed when doing funny business" Lia said

"Lia unnie, please don't tell!" both Yuna & Chaeryeong said

"Don't worry you little troublemakers, I won't tell anyone" Lia said

"Thank you Lia unnie! Chaeryeong said and hugged Lia

"What were you two doing anyway?" Lia asked

"W-we were just uhm..." Chaeryeong struggled to answer as Yuna covered her face wuth a pillow and blushed

"I'm just kidding, I saw everything what you two did" Lia said and laughed

"I'm sorry unnie, I couldn't help myself but to give in to Yuna's luscious lips" Chaeryeong said

"Just make sure you two don't do that in front of Ryujin or Yeji unnie, they'll get really mad if they find out" Lia said

"Are you not mad Lia unnie?" Yuna asked

"I'm cool with it but Yeji unnie or Ryujin won't be happy to find out about this" Lia said

"Okay, I'll leave now before I cause trouble" Chaeryeong said and left the room

---Chaeryeong went to her room and locked the door then jumped to her bed and squealed as she remembers the feeling of touching her lips with Yuna

---Meanwhile, Ryujin and Yeji were busy in their room before Ryujin wanted to seduce Yeji but Yeji does not want to give in


(Ryujin's POV)
I went back to my room with Yeji after I brushed my teeth,
I opened the door to see her half naked while she was changing, she looked hot when she only had her undergarments on~

Yeji: "Yah! Knock before you enter will you?!" Yeji said and covered her body with a pillow

Ryujin: "Next time, keep the door closed when you change, You're body looks nice as well~" Ryujin replied while staring at Yeji's lower body and sat down on her bed

Yeji: "You're such a pervert Shin! stop staring at me!" Yeji slowly screamed

Ryujin: "Not my problem that you're so hot unnie" Ryujin said while still glaring at Yeji's half-naked body

Yeji: "You are so perverted! please just get out while I'm trying to change will you?"

Ryujin: "No way Yeddeong, I like this wonderful view" Ryujin said while sitting on her bed

Yeji: "ugh fine, I hate this" Yeji said and removed the pillow from her body and continued to change

---As soon as Yeji turned around, Ryujin stood up and approached her silently. To Yeji's suprise, She felt Ryujin's arms wrapped around her waist all of a sudden.

Yeji: "What do you want now Ryujin?" Yeji asked stressfully

Ryujin: "I just to give my Yeddeong a hug, Is it wrong to do so?" Ryujin replied

---Yeji broke away from Ryujin's arms and put on her pajamas quickly right after

Yeji: "Go to sleep already Ryujin, It's getting late" Yeji said

Ryujin: "I still want to play with you Yeddeong, I can't sleep well without touching you~"

(Yeji's POV)
"I hate it when you keep misbehaving like this Ryu, Just go to sleep already, You fucking destroyed me this afternoon!" I said

"Sorry Yeddeong, I can't help it, Your clit is too tempting to touch~" Ryujin replied

"Go to sleep already Ryu and don't touch while I'm asleep, good night" I said and closed my eyes before I slept

"Good night Yeddeong" Ryujin said and layed down on her bed with disappointment

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