The Beginning

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One Tuesday night, While you were walking home from fetus daycare,you stumble upon-what looks like a furry,doing a t-pose, you ask them wtf do they think they are doing and they say:" OwO I'm fiwming a tik tak." Just as you were questioning life they snatch you with one of their furry arms and take you to an underground layer.

They said their name was it even mattered tbh,and *she* said something like: chu r da chosen one!! At first, you didn't understand what in the name of crispy she was saying. You thought she was speaking Antarctican, but then you realized it was just deformed English,then outta nowhere, this big fat ugly wolf came out and said: "hewwo! I'm da boss of da OwO cuwt!!meh name is XxOwotheXDxX but chu can caw meh XD! X3" your peanut brain finally realized you were kidnapped, then like the pathetic fetus you are, you start crying uncontrollably.

Apparently XD and Cenra did not like that, so they decided to kill you, but then again, if they DID....the FBI would find them and take away the fursuits. It would not be an epic gaymer moment.So instead of killing you, they started to OwO the anger out of them. When you finally shut up, they stopped OwOing,and cried tears of sugar joy. But just as they were about to shed another tear of sugar joy, you started crying.

They were mighty mad and started to say you were an UwU kid. You didn't think that was good so again, you shut up. Then you asked: "wait do you hate the UwUs?" Ofc they did. Ever since UwU began OwO was used less. They wanted revenge. Apparently that's why they said you were the chosen one, because you were a dumb fetus and you can go undercover as an UwU. You were so happy to hear that you could finally have a use on this planet. You finally won't be a useless little brat. You will not be useless. 😀

Chapter 2 coming soon because I wanna think of good ideas

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