Chapter 1 (?)

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Eyyyy here it is, it's in for a rebbot thoo XD.
Sheira Hanes

I sighed as I propped my feet on the table. It was boring here! Nothing to do...What?! You say I have a job to do? Well, I do but here no one's ever around. I mean ever,since- I haven't told you, have I? Gosh, when did I become an idiot?

Anyways, Crayodain is a temporary place for souls to go. Remember, I told you that Crayodain is a place where neutral souls go to? Well that is correct but if you do something good or bad...You're immediately sent to Veneah or Amethidie since you can't stay neutral forever right? Eh, that's what the rules state anyway. I was then brought back to reality when I heard someone enter.

"H-H-Hello?" The person said.

I looked up and saw a boy no more than ten, wearing a shirt stained with blood. I stared at him intently. Did I feel pity? Not yet. I was suspicious of him though, Why would a child be sent here? Normally children souls are immediately sent to Vehneah or re-used. Uh, what was that? I didn't tell you that either? Well, damn. Ehem, lets see; Souls are sometimes, re-used. I mean that a soul is sometimes transferred to another body to prevent crowding of the soul realms. Hey, the realms don't stretch until forever, the creators are not that good, no offence. But the point is that sometimes souls are recycled. That's the end of it.

"Why are you here, uhh" I got up and went to look for his file in the drawers , where we store a bio on every single person in the planet,Heck you could be here, actually you probably are, I cursed softly and opened more drawers until I found the kid's file.

"Justin Rosefiel?" I asked while scanning through his bio.

"I-I-I don't know, Miss!" He squeaked.

"Really, kid? Well it says here you died when you killed a robber in self defense... Damn, how'd you do that?" I said.

"W-W-Well, mama and papa went to the store, a-a-and this big mean man got inside the house! And, he started to get mama's treasure and papa's too! S-S-Soo I-I went to the kitchen and took a knife like I saw on T.V and went to the mean man, and when he saw me he took a g-g-gun and shot me! It hurt so much! But then I threw the knife at him and hit him in the head! Soo he dropped dead! But then I felt dizzy and fell asleep! When I woke up I was here!" He said in such a rush I was lucky I understood what he said.

"Woah kid breath!" I said.

Then he burst out crying, Ahh shit. I don't know how to deal with this. I slowly approached him, kneeled and said "Justin? It's okay.I'm here to help you, come with me yeah?"

He sniffed, stopped sobbing and followed me. After I escorted Justin to his new home, temporarily I hope. 'Veneah must be full today. I gotta go call Artelis about this...' I thought. I went back to the office and grabbed the phone, dialing Artelis' number. She picked up after the 3rd ring.

"Heyooo? Atrelis here." She greeted.

"Art, kiddo. Veneah's full." I stated bluntly. Oh shoot me, I don't like beating around the bush, I prefer to get things done quickly.

"So?" She replied sassily.

"A kid got placed in here." I said seriously.

As usual comments are appreciated but not forced.

Hi_Im_Cy out!!~

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