Chapter 4 (????)

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Eighty-one reads.....; w ;....
Artelis Gaele

"So that is soul no. 28,903 recycled..." I said, sighing. I yawned and rubbed my eyes..."Damn I'm tried..." I muttered. What time is it?? I checked my wrist watch and saw it was 1:57 A.M.

Was I tired? Yes. Did I need sleep? Sometimes. You see I am not like the Greeters. As they do not need food and sleep serving only one purpose; guiding the dead to their rightfull resting place, or in Lucy's case rightfull punishment, though having personality. I need a small amount of food and sleep to survive. Must be because of me being here on Earth not in the soul realm like the others.

I took another file from the stack I had.

"Marian Anne Conteva. Died of heart disease. 16 years old." I read aloud. I walked over to the souls there and grabbed Marians. I took the soul and reshaped it into a new person. It was like shaping clay. Just do whatever you want. Then after that I took another soul , just a random one. And fused them together...

"FUSION HAA!" I laughed.

Yes. Soul merging is possible. When I first got here, I found it hard to merge soul being able to merge only two in a day then I would sleep as it took a lot of energy and effort. But as time went on it became easier, now I can merge hundreds in a day!! Cool, right? But enough of that now... I'm hungry.

I got up,went to my pantry and took an apple. I washed it and took a bite.

"Ahhhh..." I sighed,happy that my stomach finally had something inside it. I went back to recycling and merging souls for like four more hours and then took a break.

"I wanna sleep..." I mumbled tiredly.

I decided that I should sleep now as it was 5:34 A.M with sunlight peeking through the windows. Then I went to my bed and slept.

Hello? Hello. What. .-.? Ehem. Same thing yo. If ya wanna comment ya can if ya don't then don't.


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