Chapter 3 (eh?)

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Sixty four reads?!?!?! Ba't ganito? -faints- Holleh Shit. Love ya in a non romantic way my not so dear reader~ ;w;
Rylie Andrews

Awww!~ I squealed when I saw two people hand in hand walk in together, ohmy goody gosh, they must be together that or brother and sister~

I smiled brightly at them.

"Hello! I'm Rylie, Welcome to Vehneah a magical place where the souls of the good go!" I said.

The two waved back at me and I asked. "Now may I know your names so that I can assign where you two shall stay?" The two looked uncomfortable at my bright smile. The boy stepped forward, "Hi, I'm Jedidiah Creeks." He said. "And I'm Jeniline Creeks, his sister. " Th girl added. "Well Hello! Creek siblings." I giggled. I got up and looked for their file, when I did find it I gasped "Oh my!! Killed by pneumonia! Oh I'm so super sorry!!" I pitied them so much! I told them to go to their new home near a waterfall, what? Yes, waterfall because in Vehneah everything is suited to please the souls.

((Gak! Author here and I wanna end this soo badly! But its so short! So have Lucys life for the rest of the chap...))

Lucy Ver

I smirked as I twirled my knife in my fingers waiting for the next soul to enter Hell. Now Shei Shei, might not have told you but Amethidie was under renovation. You read me right. Renovation. Why? Cause it used to be a place full of Lava and fire and the like~ But now it's a compound where you can hear all the melodic screams of the tortured. Hmm? I saw someone enter.Now this shall be fun...

"Hello I am Lucy. Lucy Ver and welcome to Amethidie~" I smirked at the nervous man before me. "Now, hun I have a lot of souls to go through so make it quick please?" I batted my eyelashes at him.

He sweated nervously and stuttered his name"H-H-Harold N-Newquei..."

"Hmm? Oh Sir, Newquei you're in for robbing a bank and were shot by a police officer. Is this true?" I asked while scanning through the file. I saw him nod. "Room 209...whipping. " I said and waved my hands as a two Hell guards appeared and dragged him away. I watched as the whole ordeal unfolded. "Next!!" I called out.

Eyyy! Its Me. Pasta_C and I reallu was having trouble with writing this cuz I didn't know what to write... so I just winged it. Hope I did good and same rules apply wanna comment? Go! Ya don't wanna comment? Sure I ain't forcin yeah! .-.

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