Chapter 3

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A/N: I know this is a bad chapter, my mom grounded me, which means I have to handover all my gadgets, including my phone. So for the sake of this update, I had to publish something.

I don't know why I didn't think of adding the video in the first place, but whatever. The video belongs to the original owner not me :)

Also Chadwick Boseman's death surprised me, but Rest in Power, King. WakandaForever


Ross's Office

"36 hours, jeez," Tony mutters under his breath.

"We're seriously understaffed" Natasha states.

"Oh yeah, it would be great if we had a Hulk right about now. Any shot?" Tony asks. Natasha deadpans "You really think he'd be on our side?"

Tony grunts, "Right."

"I have an idea" "Me too, where's yours?" "Downstairs. Where's yours?" Natasha asks, eyebrow raised.

Tony just smirks in response.


Queens; Parkers' apartment

Peter's POV

I exit the elevator, bobbing my head to the music as I grab my keys and unlock the door.

Aunt May was supposed to be at work right now, but my Spidey Sense was going off, so I assumed she came back early. "Hey May" I introduce my arrival.

"Hey, how was school today?"

"Okay. This crazy car parked outside..." I trail off as I see Tony freaking Stark sitting on my couch next to Aunt May, eating one of her terrible walnut-date loaf bread, no offense Aunt May.

"Oh, Mr.Parker" Oh my God

"Uh..uh what..what are you. Hey, I'm Peter. What are you... What are you? What are you doing here?" WTF! Why did I just sputter?

"You've been getting my emails, right?" Emails? I'm pretty sure I would remember getting emails from The Tony Stark.

"Yeah. Yeah. Regarding the?"

"You didn't tell me about the grant." May interrupts before Mr. Stark could answer,

"About the September Foundation" "Right" Mr.Stark says. "Remember when you applied?" "Yeah" "I approved. So now we're in business"

"You didn't tell me anything, what's up with that? What? You're keeping secrets from me now?" May asks me.

"I just. I just know how much you love surprises. So I thought I would surprise you." I answer as a cover-up for me not knowing that I had applied for the Grant until now.

"Anyway, what did I apply for?" I ask shifting my attention back to Mr.Stark.

"That's what I'm here to patch up" "Okay" "It's so hard for me to believe she is somebody's aunt," Mr. Stark says, clearly flirting with Aunt May.

"Yeah we come in all shapes and sizes, you know" May answers as I look at her in surprise just to see if she's blushing, spoiler alert she does.

"This walnut-date loaf is exceptional" Mr.Stark comments. I can't take this anymore nobody compliments my Aunt's food, he's planning something. "Let me stop you right there" I interrupt, "Is this Grant got money involved or whatever, no yeah?"

"Yeah, well it's pretty well-funded, look who you're talking to. Can I get five minutes with him?"

"Sure" May answers before I could. Do I not get a say in this!


"I definitely did not apply for your grant" I start but I am cut off by Mr. Stark.

"Nuh-Uh, me first. Quick question of the rhetorical variety" He pulls up a hologram of me swinging as Spider-Man, crap, "That's you, right?"

"Um no, what?" I answer back nervously.

"Look at you go" He answers completely ignoring my comment. "Wow nice catch, 3000 pounds 40 miles an hour. It's not easy. Got mad skills."

"That's. That's all on YouTube though right? That's where you found it? Because you know that's all fake, it's all done on a computer" "Mmm" "It's like that video" "Yeah. Yeah. Yeah. Oh, you mean like those UFOs over Phoenix" He opens the loft where I keep my Spidey Suit and it falls down and I immediately run and try to hide it in my open closet, Keyword: Try.

"So you're that SpiderLing, Crime-fighting Spider, You're SpiderBoy," He says smugly.

"I-It's Spider-Man"

"Not in that onesie you're not" He retorts.

"It's not an onesie" I try and fight back what left of my dignity. "You know I was having a really good day Mr. Stark I didn't miss my train, this perfectly good DVD player was just sitting there and that algebra test - nailed it" I rant.

"Who else knows? Anybody?" "Nobody" "Not even your unusually attractive aunt?"

"No. No. No. No. If she knew she would freak out and when she freaks out I freak out-" " You know what I think is really cool, this webbing" He throws my web fluid storage towards me, I catch it with the warning from my Spidey Sense.

"Tensile strength is off the charts. Who manufactured that?" Mr. Stark asks me.

"I did" "Climbing walls, how're you doing that? Adhesive gloves?" He keeps asking questions as he fiddles with my suit.

"It's a long story I was already-" I keep my answer short as I do not want to deal with a panic attack right now.

"LORDY! Can you even see in these?" "Yes. Yes. Yes, I can" I quickly take away the suit from the Man-Child as he started to make dinosaur noises as he started to see through them.

"I can't see in those okay, It's just that whatever happened, happened it's like my senses have been dialed to eleven. There's. There's way too much input, so they just kinda help me focus"

"You're in dire need of an update. Systemic top to bottom, a hundred-point restoration that's why I'm here. Why're you doing this?" This is not going to end well " I gotta know what's your MO? What gets you out of this twin bed in the morning?"

"Because...because I've been me my whole life and I've had these powers for six months" "Mmm-mm" "I read books, I build computers and yeah I would love to play football, but I couldn't then so I shouldn't now" "Cuz you're different" "Exactly but I can't tell anybody that so I'm not" I swallow dryly and exhale.

"When you can do the things that I can, but you don't, and then the bad things happen -  they happen because of you" I explain what my Uncle had said to me before he died in my arms.

"So you want to look out for the little guy. You want to do your part, make the world a better place, huh?"

"Yeah yeah just looking after the little guy" After a couple seconds of awkward silence, Mr. Stark stands up and says " I'm gonna sit here, so you move the leg" He pats my shoulder.

"Got a passport?" "No, I don't even have a driver's license"

"You ever been to Germany?" "No" "Oh you'll love it"

" I can't go to Germany!" "Why?" " I-I got homework."

"Alright, I'm gonna pretend you didn't say that" "I'm being serious. I can't just drop out of school"

"Might be a little dangerous. Better tell Aunt Hottie I'm taking you on a-" He reaches for the doorknob and I immediately web his hand to the knob because I do not want May knowing about this "Don't tell Aunt May" I say firmly.

"Alright, Spider-Man. Now Get me out of this"

"Sorry I'll get the solution"

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