Chapter Six: The Night Romance Blossomed (Part One)

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After the cops take the bodies, Cody and I walk to the car. He stops for a moment to think, then opens the car door for me. On the way to his house, we stop at Pi Craft for some pizza, then stop at the park. 

"Cody. Why are we at the park? Shouldn't we be at your house right now?"

"Needy to sleep with me, are we? But seriously though, we're here because I found something when I was coming to your house earlier. Over there. Look at the name in the sand."

"The Death Wisher. No, this can't be happening. Not now. I was looking forward to just getting a good night's sleep. We need to revisit this tomorrow. Please. I can't deal with this shit right now." I trudge to the car door and plop on the seat. Cody pushes me over and sits next to me. He studies me.

"What're you thinking about, Harley?"

"This whole day. It's been.... a lot. My mom is dead. I could care less about my dad, but he's gone too. And I haven't even told Brooke yet." Brooke is my older sister, and she's at Duke University right now excelling. While I'm still here, in high school, at Dell Magnet School. Not excelling. I have a C+ average. Not exactly a good thing. But Cody still thinks I can get my grades up by the end of the third quarter. He's so optimistic and upbeat. I don't know how he does it.

"Harley. You zoned out for like 7 minutes. All good so we can leave?"

"Yeah. And Cody? I'll take up that offer and sleep in your room." He smirks. Hard. Again.

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