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"Remember to treat everyone with kindness but don't let anyone push you around. Listen to your teacher. What else? Oh, here's your lunch and some carrot sticks if you'll get hungry before that, ehm...."

"Dad! Chill! I'm gonna be fine."

Harry smiled at his daughter. It was her first day of school and he seemed to be the only one who was nervous about it. He couldn't believe how fast she was growing. It felt just like yesterday he had gotten the call from the adoption agency that they had a baby that needed to be adopted. He had waited two years. As a single, gay man he wasn't exactly their first choice. He had cried happy tears that day and many more days to come. He had always wanted a family and when he hit 25 and he hadn't found a man he decided to adopt a child on his own. It was the best decision he had ever made. Darcy was his everything.
"Okay, let's go."

"Dad, you don't have to follow me inside. I know where I'm going." Darcy said and rolled her eyes.

Harry bit his lip and hesitated.
"Are you sure?"

Darcy nodded her head. They got out of the car and Harry hugged her.
"Daaaad!" Darcy protested.

"Oh, okay. Have a great day now sweetie. I'll pick you up at three. I love you!" He watched his daughter head for the entrance and wiped away a tear. Her first school day, he couldn't believe it. He made sure she got inside safely before he got inside the car but he waited an extra five minutes in case she would come running outside but she didn't. He drove to work.

"We're here!" Louis shouted as he stopped the car in front of the school.

"I can't believe you made me late on my first day!" His daughter Daphne huffed.

Louis looked at the clock on the dashboard.
"School starts in eight minutes, we're on time!"

"Barely." Daphne muttered.

"So, don't be too shy. You're beautiful and smart and kind and your classmates will love you. Just be yourself sweetheart and let them get to know you." Louis said.

"I'll try. Where's my lunch?" Daphne asked.

Louis looked around.
"Oh, probably on the kitchen counter. I'm sorry. Here, buy something." He said and handed her some money.

He gave her a reassuring smile.
"You're gonna have a great day. Love you! Off you go!"

Daphne stared at him.
"Dad! You have to follow me inside!"

"Oh, of course! Come on then." Louis said and unbuckled his seat belt.

They got out of the car and he took her hand as they walked towards the entrance.
"Don't be nervous sweetheart. You're gonna love school."

"Did you?" Daphne asked and looked up at him.

Louis chuckled lightly.
"Uhm, some days."

"Great." Daphne said with an eye roll.

He walked her to her classroom and hugged her.
"I'll pick you up at three."

Daphne took a deep breath and nodded her head before she opened the door and walked inside. Louis watched her with a fond smile. He couldn't believe his baby girl had gotten so big. It felt just like yesterday the adoption agency had called him to let him know that they finally had a baby he could adopt. He had waited for years but as a single, gay man he knew he wasn't on top of their list. He had never stopped being grateful. He loved Daphne above anything else. He walked back to his car and drove to work.

Daphne's eyes grew wide when she came inside her classroom and the first thing she saw was a girl that looked just like her. The girl stared back in shock.
"Daphne? You can sit next to your sister." The teacher said.

She stumbled over to the desk next to the girl that looked exactly like her and sat down.
"Who are you?" She whispered.

"I'm Darcy, you?"


"I think we're twins." Darcy said.

"Yeah, how's that even possible? My dad never told me I have a twin." Daphne said.

"Mine neither." Darcy replied.

"Girls, do I have to separate the two of you immediately, or are you gonna stop talking?" Their teacher questioned.

They both shook their heads, both still in shock. When it was time for their first recess they walked to a quiet place on the school ground to talk.
"How could our parents give me up for adoption and keep you?" Daphne questioned with tears in her eyes.

"I'm adopted too! I live with my gay dad!" Darcy answered.

"I live with my gay dad!" Daphne immediately replied.

"Do you think my dad knows about you?" Darcy asked and hung her head. She didn't want to believe that her dad would have split them up and not adopt both of them.

"My dad can't know. My aunts and uncle are twins, like he has a lot of siblings and four of them are twins. There's no way he wouldn't have adopted both of us if he knew. I'm sure your dad would have done it as well. Is he a good dad?" Daphne said.

"He's a great dad! A bit overprotective but you're right. He would have adopted the both of us." Darcy said with a relieved smile.

"I also have a great dad. He's a bit whimsy thou. They're up for a big surprise!" Daphne grinned.

"Yeah, so is your dad single? Mine is. Wouldn't it be awesome if they got together?" Darcy said.

Daphnes eyes grew wide.
"My dad is single too! That would be perfect! We'll have to get them to fall in love."

"How do grown-ups fall in love?" Darcy questioned.

"I don't know. We'll have to do some research. We'll find a computer during lunch." Daphne said.

The break was over and they headed inside again.

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