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Chapter Twenty: Cat Lover

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Chapter Twenty: Cat Lover

When Monday rolled around Jeongguk was more than ready for his morning walk with Jimin. He had refrained from giving him details during the weekend, wanting to tell the full story in person, both because he couldn't be bothered to type everything out, and because he wanted to see Jimin's reactions. However, come Monday morning, he got a text from Jimin telling that he was sick, he wouldn't be going to school today.

      Bad news for Jeongguk for many reasons. One, he had to keep the story inside of him for at least twenty-four more hours, which would be extremely difficult, but worse, he would be alone during the day. Sure he could try to find Taehyung, but he doubted he would succeed, as he was still training for the upcoming meet. So, as he had expected, he spent the day wandering the hallways aimlessly, not even trying to look for Taehyung, wishing he had been a little more social during these four years he'd been at this school. During lunch, he found Taehyung and thankfully, was able to sit next to him and chat. He didn't tell him about Seokjin though, even though he was pretty much the only person it made sense to tell. It didn't feel right –– he knew he wouldn't have enough time to tell the story as a whole and he knew that if he started, his other teammates would listen, the table was small after all. And he didn't want that, especially because of Jeongyeon; he wouldn't want some random guys at school to know about her emotional confessions.

      Besides, he kind of wanted to tell Jimin first. Which was why he was over the moon when the next day, he showed up at his doorstep, a bounce in his step, no hint left of his sickness. Jeongguk told him everything. How he had felt like his blood had stopped circulating the moment he opened the door to Seokjin, everything that had gone through his mind, the stupid things he had said, the moment he had heard the commotion in the kitchen and how, when he realised that –– oh my god Jeongyeon was there –– his mind had started rolling, as if it had lost its footing by a steep slope and started rolling down, and then her anger, her guilt, her confession. And the whole time Jimin just listened, laughing at the right times, gasping at the part where it was revealed Jeongyeon had been lying, clutching his heart at the reunion, and the best of all, reserving his questions for after.

      "So, things are exactly as they were back then?" he asked.

      Jeongguk nodded. "Yeah ... or well, no." He changed his mind. Although he had gotten used to Jin being in the house, similar to four years ago when he'd often resided there, he sensed a clear change in the feel of it. Whereas four years ago, between the two friends he had often heard bickering, not necessarily heated arguments, sometimes just playful ones, but four years ago when Jin had been at the house, it had been loud. He remembered growing tired of it, wishing for the two of them to spend less time together and he realised that, to the end of their friendship, right around four years ago, it had been tense. The quarrels that had taken place Saturday evening had been almost like a direct continuation of their old fights, the things Jeongyeon would complain to Jeongguk about when Seokjin left fuming. Now, though, things were calm, quiet. Not dull, they were still two of the most passionate people he knew. But they seemed to get along more so than before. Their spirits were contained, not in a bad way, he would still hear the loud eruptions of hiccups and bellyful laughter, but it came in waves.

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