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Chapter Nineteen: Liars and Seekers of Truth

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Chapter Nineteen: Liars and Seekers of Truth

His sister was a liar. She was a stone-cold liar.

      He felt betrayed, so utterly betrayed. So after all this time, he had done no wrong, after all this time of worrying, beating himself up over inviting chaos into their family life, it was Jeongyeon who was truly in the wrong. Not Seokjin. Not him. Jeongyeon. The snake.

      According to Jin, a bit more than a four years ago she had started acting weird around him; she had avoided his calls, changed plans last minute, found excuses to leave early when they were hanging out and just in general, had seemed more distant. She wouldn't let him hug her anymore, she avoided his touch like the living flame. Then, when he had come to her apartment one day, she had told him frankly that she needed space and that he shouldn't call her, text her or get in touch with her in any way. Of course, it had hurt to hear, especially from someone he had deemed family, but he had respected her wishes, expecting her to reach out to him in a few weeks, maybe a month. But she never did.

      Eventually, he got too busy to even think about it, what with his growing career and the people that he met taking up time, and before he knew it, the two of them were strangers. He had debated many times whether or not he should reach out to her, but at that point, he felt hurt, angry, petty; he felt that if Jeongyeon wanted to be friends with him, she should be the one to reach out.

      Jeongguk fully understood him, and the look of confusion he had shown again and again yesterday made a lot more sense. In his perspective, after four years, Jeongyeon had finally reached out to him, offering a truce, inviting him to the wedding. He had simply wanted to come and offer his thanks, catch up. Yet he had been greeted with nothing but anger.

      But even so, he wasn't exactly sure about this plan of his.

      "Is this necessary?" he said, his phone in hand, sitting on the stairs.

      Jin barely even looked at him. "Yes," he said. "It's time to get a little payback."

      "I'm sure if I just asked her to come she would––"

      Jin waved a finger, shutting him up. "Ababab. You promised to help. We're doing it my way. Now, how's your acting?"

      It was true, he had promised. He didn't know why. Seokjin could be pretty convincing when he needed it. He'd just gone on and on about how hard it had been to be without his best friend for so long, how he was allowed an explanation and, even more, he was allowed to have a little bit of fun. Jeongyeon couldn't lock him out of her life forever, and he had to know why she had done exactly that for four years.

      "I'm good enough," Jeongguk said. Not that he would call what he was about to do acting. He was going to lie to his sister on the phone. He would just need to sound like he was in pain.

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