Chapter Eleven

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They made him feel normal.


"Oh my god. You got paint on everywhere except for the canvas. What the hell, hyung."

Hyunjin threw his hands up in defense. "I didn't mean to."

Jeongin burst out laughing at the sight. Hyunjin accidentally flipped over a paint palette onto the table, paint going everywhere. 

Seungmin groaned. "We need to clean this up."

The three boys were currently in the art room. Seungmin suggested that they should make a group painting because he "wanted to make a piece of art with his friends so he could remember them."

It was clearly not going the way he planned.

Hyunjin slowly picked up the paint palette and turned it over, revealing a mess of colors contrasting the dark brown table. Seungmin put his face in his hands. "Go get some paper towels."

Hyunjin was about to walk off to go get some paper towels when he suddenly turned back to face the two, mischievous smirk on his face. "Wait. I have an idea."


Jeongin stared as Hyunjin took the blank canvas and flipped it over, putting the face of the canvas directly onto the rainbow of paints on the table. Hyunjin slammed his hand onto the back of the canvas, pushing it into the paint. "There. Now we didn't waste much."

Seungmin screeched, the heads of other patients turning towards their direction, annoyed looks on their faces. "What are you doing?! Oh my god! You ruined it!"

At this point, Jeongin was in tears from laughing so much. He didn't know why it was so funny, but it was so freaking hilarious.

Hyunjin slowly flipped the canvas over. The colors melded in a quite interesting way in the center of the canvas. The combination of colors looked almost magical.

It looked quite artsy.

Hyunjin let out a small hum. "See? It doesn't look so bad."

Seungmin huffed, volume of his words slowly crescendoing. "Okay, yeah it doesn't look too  bad but now there's an exact identical copy ON THE TABLE."

Seungmin was right. The table was covered in the same array of colors.

Jeongin literally almost fell onto the floor from laughing so much. He was literally going to get abs from laughing this hard.

Seungmin pointed towards the other art supplies. "Go get paper towels."

Hyunjin huffed and started to march over to get paper towels. "Fine."

Seungmin groaned. "How the heck did we not get in trouble yet."

Jeongin started to calm down, turning his head to look at the man behind the desk. He was typing away on his phone. "Mr. Kang is literally always on his phone. He never notices anything."

How irresponsible.

Hyunjin came back with a bunch of paper towels and immediately slammed one into the paint. "There."

Jeongin cringed as Hyunjin slowly peeled the paper towel off, covered in paint. Seungmin stared at the paper towel. "Hurry."

Hyunjin stared at Seungmin before making the split second decision to playfully throw the paint covered paper towel at Seungmin's shirt.

Uh oh.

Seungmin looked down at his shirt, eyes wide, mouth dropped open in shock. "I-"

Seungmin placed his hand onto his shirt, covering his hand in paint, before placing his hand on Hyunjin's cheek. A colorful handprint was now the main focal point of Hyunjin's face. Hyunjin's jaw dropped. "You did not just-"

Jeongin burst out into laughter once again. This was literally one of the most hilarious things he's ever seen in his life.

Seungmin and Hyunjin must've noticed Jeongin's laughter. Hyunjin shook his head, mischievous smile on his face. "We're not leaving you out of this, Jeongin."

Hyunjin scooped some paint onto his finger and tapped on Jeongin's nose. Hyunjin then drew a few lines on his face. "Cute! You look like a fox."

Jeongin blushed, butterflies immediately filling his stomach.

Seungmin nodded, small smile on his face. "Aww. So cute!"

Jeongin groaned and started wiping his face off with his hand. "You know, hyung, that paint is going to dry on your shirt. You better get that off."

Seungmin blinked before looking back down at his shirt. "Dang it! I forgot about it."

Jeongin watched as Seungmin ran over to the sinks and put his shirt under the stream of water.

Jeongin shook his head in amusement and looked back up at Hyunjin. The colorful handprint was still on his face, currently drying. "You better clean that off too."

Hyunjin wiped his hand on his face, trying to get the paint off. Since the paint started to dry, pieces of the paint still scattered across his face.

It honestly looked kind of hot.

Jeongin immediately looked at the floor, heat going to his face. Where did that thought come from?

Seungmin returned to the table, shirt soaking wet. "The paint literally does not come off. I guess the paint is going to permanently become part of my shirt."

Jeongin looked back up at Seungmin's shirt. It looked quite artsy. "I kind of like it. It adds character."

Seungmin smiled. "Yeah. I guess so. It might come off if I put it in the laundry though."

Jeongin quite liked Seungmin's smile. He just looked so... happy.

Jeongin couldn't help but smile also. Seungmin's happiness was quite contagious.

Jeongin really liked that about him.

Jeongin blinked. Where the heck did all of these thoughts come from?

Seungmin's voice interrupted Jeongin's thoughts. "Come on, let's work on our painting before time is up."

Jeongin nodded and picked up a paintbrush, pushing his conflicting thoughts aside.

He could deal with this later.

A/N I kind of feel like the development in this chapter is really rushed. Idk tell me if you think so too.

Sorry for the shameless self-promotion, but if you want to please check out my book that I'm going to be starting soon, Surreal. It's actually an interactive game book, and it's kind of a choose your own adventure book but not exactly the same. Idk I explain it better in the intro chapter I posted so if you want to know more about it, go check it out ;)

please get me out of this somebody sehave a good night


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