Chapter 16

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Angelique was flying towards where she heard the horses and fighting coming from. It wasn't until she saw the smoke that caused her to fly faster to where she had spotted the moving carriage that was on fire. Oh no...ANNA, Angelique thought to herself as she rushed to catch up with the carriage. Angelique was about to fly in front of the carriage to grab a hold of her sister, only to be stopped by the werewolf blocking her way, growling at her. "MOVE VELKAN! I don't want to be forced to throw you off the cliffs!"

Velkan only growled at Angelique some more before swiping at her, causing Angelique to fly back a bit to avoid getting struck by his claws.

"Don't make an attempt to kill me older brother. You might not like what Dracula does to you," Angelique taunted, knowing that she was getting under Velkan's skin.

Anna looked through the flames to see that both of her older siblings were fighting one another. "Oh my god. Van Helsing please do something to save Angelique from my brother! He's going to kill her. I have to do something to get Velkan's attention, Anna thought unaware that Van Helsing was watching her very closely.

"Whatever it is that you are thinking about doing, don't do it," Van Helsing warned causing Anna to turn and glare at him.

"If I don't do something, Velkan is going to kill her," Anna said.

"Anna that is what she wants. She doesn't want to be stuck as Dracula's slave for the rest of eternity," Van Helsing argued. "We have to jump. Carl and the monster did. You must Jump now too."

"Not without my sister. I'm not ready to lose her again," Anna said before screaming, gaining the werewolf's attention.

"Anna, you bloody fool," Angelique screamed as the werewolf turned to her. Anna jumped before the werewolf could make a jump for her.

Van Helsing shot his gun with the silver bullets at the werewolf while jumping off the carriage, while gaining a bite from the werewolf. Both Van Helsing and the werewolf landed in different spots from one another.

Angelique transformed as she made her way over to where her brother lay as he transformed back into a human, slowly dying.

"Angelique, I'm sorry for all that I put you through; and for making an attempt to kill you just now," Velkan said.

"Velkan, you would have given me what I wanted. But there is one thing that I need to do before I can rest easy," Angelique said while kneeling beside her brother.

"What is that," Velkan asked.

"I need to see that Anna and Van Helsing succeed in killing Dracula," Angelique said.

"If Dracula dies, then you will end up dying along with him," Velkan said.

"I'm fine with that. I just want to live long enough to know that Anna succeeds, and is happy," Angelique replied. Velkan was about to speak again, only to be stopped by Angelique placing a finger on his lips. "Don't speak my dearest brother. Save your energy, because I know Anna will want to see you, before you pass onto the other side." Angelique got up making her way to where she heard Van Helsing groaning in pain. Angelique passed her sister as Anna started to wake, knowing that she heard the sounds of their dying brother, as he groaned as well. Angelique was about to make her way in the direction of Van Helsing, but stopped when she spotted the friar and her friend coming near her. Quickly Angelique sped up to meet them halfway, worried about her friend. "My friend."

" are unharmed," Frankenstein said.

"How did you know that I was in danger," Angelique asked.

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