A Surprising Request

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A:N// I hope everyone is enjoying the story so far! Things are going to start speeding up and we will be seeing more and more interactions and developments among characters! Don't forget to vote on my chapters! And review or message me about couples you want to see have more spotlight! Also thank you to everyone who messages me/reviews my story here on Wattpad or on my FanFiction.Net account @Ashurei-Heika / It really means the world to me. Enjoy!

Locking eyes with each other, both Ino and Sai seemed to be frozen in place. A light shade of pink began to dust over Sai's pale complexion that matched the one that had already shown up on Ino's cheeks. Feeling more than mortified that she had been caught staring at the boy, Ino quickly pulled her eyes away from his and twisted her body as far to the side as she could to try and hide from the intensity of his gaze. To Ino's dismay the place she chose to sit at the table still made half of her face visible to Sai, and being that it was the side that her bang did not hang over her face, she was able to notice that he was still staring intently at her.

Trying her best to escape from the humiliation she had just caused herself to endure, Ino looked amongst the friends sitting at the table who were all engrossed in their own conversations. Everyone except Neji, who had stopped listening to Tenten and Lee's debate and had his full attention directed at looking between Sai and Ino. A curious look graced the lavender-eyed boy's face and for a split second Ino began to panic that she would be called out on the embarrassing interaction that had just taken place. But much to her relief, Neji took one last look between the two and then turned back away to face Tenten who was now trying to get him to take her side of the debate over Lee's.

"Ino? Hey, Ino!"

Ino turned to look at Sakura who was waving her hand out towards her in an attempt to get Ino's attention. A brief look of confusion shown on Sakura's face causing her to hesitate with her next words. In the same moment the school bell rang signaling the beginning of their art class. Looking in the direction of the doorway, Ino could see a bored looking Shikamaru slowly walk in and make his way over to Yamato-Sensei's desk. After handing him a slip of paper, Shikamaru made his way over to Ino's table and take a seat beside her.

"Hey, Shikamaru? Did you get switched to this class? I thought you had a study hall this period." Sakura asked.

"Yeah. I guess the teacher aids got tired of catching me sleeping in the teacher's lounge instead of working on homework. It's not my fault I always finish it all so quickly, this is such a drag." Shikamaru responded before putting his head down on his arms that were propped up on the table in front of him. 

"Well at least you've got all of us to pass the time with." Sasuke shrugged before turning his attention to the front of the room where Yamato-Sensei now stood and began to speak.

"Alright class, I want all of my students to be able to be as creative in their projects this year as possible." Yamato-Sensei, one of the school's art teachers began, "That's also why so far this year I've let you all have free range with the projects you've done in class. But as of recent I've hired on an art assistant to help me bring some fresh new ideas to our class. If you would, please introduce yourself to my students." Yamato-Sensei made a slight hand gesture to his left where a blue-haired woman stood. Her hair was pulled up in a bun slightly to the right side of her head and a white origami-like flower held it in place. Her amber colored eyes shined bright from the sun filtering through the windows and a polite, yet shy, smile graced her features.

"Thank you for the introduction Yamato. My name is Konan and I've just recently graduated from Amegakure's college of arts. I do commissioned artwork during my free time, so I've just recently gotten into teaching others. I hope I can help bring inspiration to you all." After giving her introduction Konan gave a slight bow before allowing Yamato to once again speak to his students.

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