Crocodile's Tomato

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Hi sorry to interrupt your reading but this is my first story and sorry if crocodile doesn't really sound like him ill try my best to potray him like he is
Anyways Enjoy! :D

If you didnt read the desc yet, crocodile and (Y/N) were friends since 10 yrs old

Crocodile and (Y/N) is in his bedroom in the casino underground aquarium

you sleep in his room in the same bed because he wouldn't let you sleep alone in the guest rooms you never knew why

Noone's POV:
(Y/N), bored, rolling around on crocodile's bed while crocodile is doing his work on his desk facing a window listening to you complaining as he smokes

(Y/N)'s POV:
"why are you always doing work"
"smoking's not good for health"
"play some games with meeeeeeee"

still rolling around on the bed

"why is this room so wide, big and tall-"

i stopped and laid down on my back

"oh yeah for you to jump on the bed"
"do you jump on the bed?"  i wondered


"okay maybe not"
"or maybe a yes- we'll never know"


"o-kay he is ignoring me"

*Crocodile turns his chair to face you*

"mayyyy-beeee not "

*Stomach growls*

In a deep voice Crocodile said,
"lets go out to a cafe"
no expression on his face

"OH A DATE?" you shouted

Normally he would say no
But this time he just coughed and walked away into his personal bathroom to take a shower
"we're going out in 30 mins get ready"


I could see his smile as he walked into the shower room

I decided to change in the room. he would take a long time to shower anyway plus the changing room is in the hall last door to the right, theres ten doors in the hall . _ .

I sang as i looked for my clothes in the drawer
I took my time choosing what to wear happily singing, not aware 15 minutes had already passed by,
I took off my clothes,
Fully naked, i felt a person standing to my right, i stopped singing and i quickly looked over to my right seeing crocodile in a towel leaning against the door-wall arms crossed smirking

"PERVERTT!" i screamed as i took the pillows on the bed and threw it into his face
I threw another pillow
The tall man in the towel walks towards me and said "not my fault that this beautiful lady standing right here decided to change in my room" while hugging four pillows, bending down staring into my eyes

I covered my face hiding my blushing red cheeks and ran into the bathroom as he laughed

I closed the door behind me
"smells good, just like him" i thought

I changed into a navy blue dress and let my hair down

I walked out from the bathroom and saw crocodile on his bed smoking while looking out his window still in a towel half naked exposing his muscular chest

i sat beside him on the bed wondering what was he looking at

He turned from the window, facing me
"you look stunning my lady"
He leans in closer to me
Now his face is so close to mine i can feel his breath
My heart raced

Crocodile's POV:
As i leaned closer to her I could tell she was nervous, i smiled as i gently kissed her
i felt her soft lips against mine , i sat back up on my spot and touched her cheeks
She ran out of the bed room and closed the door standing out side
"WHY DID YOU D-DO THAT!" she shouted, voice muffled because of the door

"no reason, maybe because i wanted to kiss a cute tomato" i replied

(Y/N)'s POV:
As i closed the door i felt blood rushing up my cheeks, my back facing the door

I shouted "Y-YOU STINKY PURPLE CROCODILE!" stuttering

"Didn't you say i smell good earlier" he replied, muffled through the door


"you said it out loud"

this time i was wondering why his deep voice doesn't sound muffled

I turned around seeing a black button up shirt with a golden hook

I turned around seeing a black button up shirt with a golden hook

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I fell back, not expecting him to be standing T h e r e

He caught me with his right arm, his palm felt warm and nice

"Clumsy tomato"

"let's go tomato" he added

"stop calling me tomato"

Crocodile's POV:
"sure tomato"

She walked fast as i stopped in the hall inhaling the cigar in my mouth looking at her,
I put it out with my hook and threw it on the ground.

I turned into sand and caught up to her, changing back into human form, from behind, i picked her up bridal style and ran


I ran down the hall with her in my arms calmly

(Y/N)'s POV:
I could hear his heart racing as he kept running
"He still smells good" i thought again

"Thank you for your compliment tomato"

I said it out loud again-
I buried my face into his chest

"smell nice?"

He said it with a expressionless face but with a microscopic smile

When he finally stopped, i thought he was going to put me down but no

I felt him leaning down placing a kiss on my cheeks

Crocodile's POV:
After a few moments of silence,
Feeling her heart beat fast,
I continued and walked out of the hall into the casino calmly with her in my arms
We both hear people talking about us
"Hey look its crocodile"
"Really? Where?"
"Oh (Y/N) is in his arms"
"she's pretty today"
"Sir Crocodile's so handsome"
"what a cute couple"

"Couple eh" i thought

Hi Hope you enjoy the story
I will continue this when i get the ideas
Have a great day night or afternoon :D

and heres a duck


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