Sweet Lunch

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As Crocodile walked out of the casino with you in his arms, you felt people staring at both of you,
Croc wasn't ashamed, embarrassed or anything
He just walked out with a human in his arms casually like it's a normal thing.

(Y/N)'s POV:
While in the lively town's street,
I could hear kids laughing running around chasing their friends,
Adults talking about their day and how their business was going, people trading and promoting their sales
But all i could focus on was croc,
His heartbeat,
The sound of his foot steps,
His perfect posture, His messy-halfway-dry-but-look-good hair,

While admiring his beauty,

He turned down looking into my eyes

In a deep calm voice

"Do i look that handsome today?"

I noticed that he knew i was staring at him this whole time
I panicked, not trying to admit it nor denying it so i decided to change the topic

"when are you going to put me down!"

Embarrassed, i looked away and noticed a camel in a small pathway between two buildings

It was lashes!

I put my right hand in the air and waved at lashes cheerfully

Crocodile's POV:
Wondering who was she waving to
i stopped walking and turned my head to the direction she was waving at,
making eye contact with a camel

"Yeah! His name is lashes!"

Still making eye contact with the camel,
Noticed it was jealous and was trying to make me put (Y/N) down
I ignored the camel and turned back to face the street and continued walking


I turned back to glare at the camel
One glare is enough
The next second, the camel was behind the crates full of apples, hiding

"Oh cmon you scared lashes!"


No one's POV:
After a few minutes crocodile walked into an italian restaurant
(Y/N) could smell the strong scent of herbs, oregano, thyme, rosemary,
The smell of hot pizza, pasta, coffee, and all those delicious dishes

The waiter saw crocodile and nervously lead him into the restaurant through the crowd eating and walked into a quiet private dining room with a square table with a red table cloth and chairs with matching cloths

(Y/N) still wondering when was this guy going to put her down

Crocodile gently placed (Y/N) on the red fabric chair and walked to the opposite side of the table and sat down

(Y/N)'s POV:
As crocodile placed me on the chair i felt butterflies in my stomach
Crocodile didnt break the eye contact while me on the other hand, was too nervous to look at him in the eyes
I looked away behind him

The waiter gave both of us a menu and stood there waiting for our orders

Crocodile spoke
"A large pepperoni pizza extra cheese, one steak medium-rare, one cabonara, two large lasagna, one mocha and a latte"

While staring into my eyes
He knew me too well
He knew and remembered my favourites and how well i eat, well we both eat a lot

I smiled and said
"That's all thank you"
I snatched away the menu from crocodile and stacked the two menus together and gave it to the waiter
The waiter was relieved that crocodile was in a good mood today

I remembered that the last time when we were here, we sat in the public part of the restaurant. Someone in the crowd flirted with me and also harassed me while crocodile was in the bathroom
When he walked out of the bathroom he calmly asked the guy who harassed me to walk out of the restaurant with him

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