Golden Hook

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(This is how he look like without his hook in this chapter)

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(This is how he look like without his hook in this chapter)

"Ah, we are finally back" (Y/N) smiled as she laid down on the bed with the pizzas while Crocodile's continuing his work.

After a moment of silence,


(Y/N) sat back up on the edge of the bed with two empty pizza box

"Hm?" Crocodile replied, still focusing on his work
"i was wondering,- is your hook heavy"

Crocodile stopped, placed his pen down and removed his hook


He held the golden ball with his right hand and stretched his arm out in (Y/N)'s direction
Giving her the hint to hold it for her curiosity

(Y/N) lit up and as soon as she held it, she dropped to the floor, face down.
"I don't remember it was that heavy" crocodile chuckled
". . ." O. O
"I shall not question your strength"
"i- shall-"
An idea suddenly popped up in her head

(Y/N) 's POV:
I went behind crocodile and took his coat that was hanging on his chair, while gator's scary-25kg-sharp-round-thing was left on the bed

"Borrow" i said as i took his pen off his table with his coat resting on my arm and his hook now in two of my hands

I walked into the bathroom that was in the room
"Excuse me while you do your work"
And closed the door

Crocodile's POV:
. . .

Noone's POV:
Crocodile just sat there, pen stolen, hook stolen, coat stolen
well- borrowed

After a few minutes of processing what happened

Crocodile smiled, pulled a pen out of his drawer and continued doing his work

*Meanwhile (Y/N) is mumbling in the toilet*

(Y/N)'s POV:

"no, his scar is about here"
"Ah the coat is comfortable"
"Hmmm how do i put on the hook"
"there! :D"

I lost balance and dropped to the floor again

"He is crazy"

I slowly stood up with the help of a sink nearby

I walked out and started laughing like Crocodile
While trying to balance myself with the 25kg hook

"sashiburi dana mUgIWarA"
(long time no see, stRaW hAt)

Crocodile just looked at me with the
'excuse me, u wan dai?' face

He got up and walked towards me
bent down because of heiGHt diFfErEnCe. making eye contact he said
"i don't recall sounding like that, miss theif"
He laughed

"Hey! At least i got a bit close to sounding like you plus i said borrow before taking them" i pouted and looked away

"Did i give permission"
"well n-"

Before i could finish
He turned my head to face him with his index finger and middle finger, and kissed me

"Go sleep, tomato" He chuckled


I handed back his hook and his pen

"im not giving you back your coat"

I stuck my tongue out at him and ran to bed

Crocodile's POV:

I watched her as she ran to bed and wrapped herself in my coat

I walked back to the desk and clicked my hook back on and continued my work

Noone's POV:

After a while of work

"Cute idiot"
He whispered and smiled with his face resting in his palm as he watch her peacefully sleep in his coat

Hiiii sorry this is short and not good i don't know what to continue but i got a follower and three people 'favourite'd
I got happy and panicked to make a new chapter thing but don't know what to write so here we are

Hopefully you liked it though :')

Heres another ducky


I named her aloha :D

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