Ride 6

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Jack heard his phone ringing from the pocket of his heavy winter coat, and pulled it out, only to be hit in the side of his head by a snow ball. He ignored it, as he saw the caller Id was Yusei.

"Yusei, you alright?" Jack greeted friendly, ducking another snow ball, "West, Nico, I am on the phone, throw those at Kalin!"

"Jack, are you and the others safe?" Yusei asked urgency colouring his tone. The question and tone scared Jack.

"Yes, we are outside the garage," Jack answered confused, concerned and scared, "we are having a snow ball fight. Why, are you and Crow alright?"

"We are fine, but we are being followed," Yusei answered sounding focused, "by a psychic, and before you ask, yes I am certain."

"Do you think they can sense you?" Jack asked, "Do you need me to come help?" Jack was hit in the head by another snow ball.

"Sorry Jack," Kalin called over, laughing, "West dived out the way." Jack waved it off.

"It doesn't matter if they can sense me or not after that press conference 4 months back." Yusei said calmly, "Also, I think you should stay with Kalin and the kids. You can keep them safe until me and Crow get back. We are going to get some answers and then head home. We will be back soon."

"Yusei don't take any risks." Jack said, "I can't lose you, for any reason. I love you, so much."

"I won't take any unnecessary risks," Yusei promised softly to Jack, "because I know you don't want to lose me. Like I can't lose you. I love you too, Jack, more then I ever thought possible." Yusei ended the call. Jack stood with a knot in his stomach. He felt like something bad was coming. However, Jack knew that he should play things as if nothing was happening and continued to calmly play with Kalin and his two charges. But Kalin could tell that Jack's smile and laugh were fake. But also knew why his friend was acting calmly, and followed Jack's lead, resolved to find out later.

Meanwhile, Yusei and Crow were walking through the white, snow covered streets of Neo Domino City, there booted feet making crunching noises. They only had a few bags to carry as they hadn't brought much.

Serveral metres behind the two friends, a man of around Yusei's height, dressed in warm clothes of all black, followed them. The man was confused when the two spilt up. Yusei smiled when he sensed that his pursuer continued to follow him. This allowed his plan to work, as he walked through a series of alley ways, that would allow Crow to circle round as Yusei wondered into a dead end. It was an old enforcers trick. Yusei's purser followed him, not aware of the dead end. He turned to retreat, only to find himself boxed in by Crow.

"Why are you following me?" Yusei demanded, with an air of confidence and intimidation that rivaled Jack's.

"What you talking about?" the follower said.

"Here's an idea," Yusei said darkly, "cut the crap. I know you are psychic. I can sense it."

"Shit." came the follower's response, "I didn't think the psychic I was following would have been the Yusei Fudo. My boss just got a tip that a powerful psychic lived in this area other than Akiza."

"So you've been searching for other psychic signatures," Yusei said a determined look on his face, "you found me by luck, is that what you are saying?"

"Yes." Yusei's stalker answered.

"Bull shit." Crow hissed, "Everyone in Neo Domino knows Yusie is a psychic duellist. It his been public knowledge for four months. What was your purpose for following my best friend?" The stalker looked at his feet in defeat.

"I was ordered to ascertain what Yusei Fudo's power level was." the stalker answered.

"Why?" Yusei demanded. "Who gave you the order?" Both Crow and Yusei ignored the buzzing of their phones in their pockets.

"To see if he could benefit the cause." the stalker answered, "I was ordered by the leader of the Arcadia Movement."

"But Sayer was arrested by Sector Security." Crow stated, "Then Arcadia shut down." Yusei checked his phone. He had received a text on the team 5Ds group chat. It was from Akiza.

"Sayer has escaped." it read.

"Crow we are finished here." Yusei said giving him a meaningful look.

"But we haven't gotten all our answers." Crow said.

"Yes we have." Yusei corrected, "Check your group chat." Crow checked his phone.

"Crap." Crow hissed. The two friends made to leave the alley.
"You will join us Yusei. As will the others. You and your friends will be members of Arcadia." the stalker said.

"Never." came Yusei's growl as he and Crow walked the rest of the way home. Both worried for their friends. But Yusei wasn't afraid for himself.

Back at the large garage that Jack, Yusei, and Crow called home, Jack had decided to get the kids inside. Kalin cornered him in the kitchen as the pair made sandwiches as Nico and West were dancing in front of the TV.

"What's wrong Jack?" Kalin asked.

"There is nothing wrong." Jack answered, controlling his tone and face to appear calm, deciding to wait to tell Kalin anything about the phone call and Akiza's text until Yusei got home safely, "I just got too cold. Also, Yusei would eat me alive if I let us miss lunch. Not that I'd complain about it." Jack smirked for effect, hoping Kalin would accept the casual brush aside.

"I know the look on your face." Kalin said, clearly not giving it up, "I don't think you know how much you and Yusei have truly become alike. He has shown some parts of you in his behavior, while you, Jack, seemed to have picked up some of his facial expressions. And if their are any expressions I know how to read, it is Yusei's."

"How and why would you be able to read Yusei's expressions?" Jack asked, not liking Kalin's words one bit, and hoping to use his jealousy as a distraction.

"Don't be jealous, Jack," Kalin soothed, "but when we were kids growing up, I had a huge crush on Yusei. I spent probably way too much time watching him. That is why I can see him in you now. I can see in your eyes that something has you worried."

"That phone call I got," Jack conceded, "was from Yusei. He was being followed and he doesn't know why. Then we all got a message from Akiza saying Sayer, the psychic leader of the Arcadia Movement escaped from prison. I think he is going to target Leo and Luna as well as Akiza and Yusei. Of course I am worried. I am also feeling powerless to stop things from getting bad again."

"Thank you for telling me." Kalin said to Jack as they took the food to Nico and West, "But I am sure it will work out fine."

"Yeah," Jack said not feeling at all convinced, "I just hope it doesn't start until after Christmas is over."

YuGiOh 5Ds; Accepted, return of ArcadiaWhere stories live. Discover now