That Night

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3:25 A.M.
It was a pretty regular night, nothing really standing out. The moon shone fully, which resulted in wolf howls that carried on the gentle breeze. And, oh! There you were, with your boyfriend Virgil, all snuggled up and sleeping. Everything was at peace....

Thats too boooooring!
So, lets try something different!

3:24 A.M.
Everything was not at peace, not even
c l o s e!
You begin to toss and turn in your bed, your illegible grumblings getting louder until you jolt awake. With heavy breaths and a tear stained face, you attempt to calm yourself. "Calm down, Y/N, its just a dream"

During this situation, Virgil had started to wake up to his partner sobbing. He immediately sat up, groaning softly. "Hey, Hey. Whats wrong, angel?"

You take a quick second to turn away from Virgil and wipe your eyes before turning back to see him. "Oh, sorry to wake you V. But I'm fine"

Virgil reaches to the wall behind your bed, flipping on a dim light. He rubs his eyes before cupping your face in his hands. "Please talk to me. I can't make you feel better if I dont know what the problem is" He gently kisses you.

You begin to kiss him back, which turns into him holding you in his arms. "It was just a bad dream, ok?"

"Do you want to talk about it?" Virgil stroked your cheek and gave the best smile he could muster. "Im here for you, angel. You can tell me anything"

You sighed before resting your hand on his. "I guess it wouldn't hurt..."

(Short) Virgil x ReaderWhere stories live. Discover now